Barber Pole Symbol
barber-surgeons cut hair, perform surgery, the barber pole symbol popularized -
Period: 200 to Sep 10, 1400
Middle Ages
Sep 10, 1000
Medical Care
Medical care becomes regulated -
Sep 10, 1300
Islamic Hospital
Islamic hospitals formed; health care for the sick -
Sep 10, 1400
Jacob Felicie
Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied -
Period: Sep 10, 1500 to
Scientific Method
scientific method occurs -
Human Anatomical Studies
HAS is allowed -
Printing Press
printing press allows for publication of discoveries -
Antoine van Leeuwenhoek
Antoine describes bacteria -
Francis Bacon
Bacon uses microscope to discover plauge fleas -
Discovery of Blood Cells
discovery of blood cells, bacteria, protozoa, and stethoscope -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Edward Jenner
edward jenner discovered 1st vaccination -
Louis Pasteur
pasteurization of milk -
Joseph Lister
practice of medical asepsis -
Bubonic Plague
Bubonic plague hits San Francisco -
Organ Transplants
Discovery of organ transplants, x -rays, radium fo cancer treatment, MRI, CAT scans -
Alexander Fleming
Alexander discovers penicillian -
First HMO inssurance -
Polio Vaccine
Salk discovers polio vaccine -
WHO declares smallpox eradicated -
Smallpox vs Measles
Rhazes discovered difference between smallpox and measles