Medical Investigation 1

  • Period: 500 to

    History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 9, 1140

    Rodger of Sicily forbade anyone from practicing medicine without a license

  • Sep 9, 1215

    Alderotti became one of the first Physician teachers

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Sep 9, 1300

    Pain becomes important

  • Sep 9, 1347

    The Black Plague broke out

    The Black Plague broke out
  • Sep 9, 1493

    Paracelsus was a Physician in this time

    Paracelsus was a Physician in this time
    He believed that specific diseases result from specific outside agents, and needs specific remidies for each disease.
  • Sep 9, 1494

    Syphilis was first reecorded

    Syphilis was first reecorded
  • use of scientific method begins

  • Robert Hooke, built the first reflecting microscope

  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek decribes bacteria

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccination

  • Louis Pasteur carried out expiraments

    Louis Pasteur carried out expiraments
    These expiramants became the basis for modern microbiology
  • Cholera, resulted in over 50,000 deaths in little over a year

    Cholera, resulted in over 50,000 deaths in little over a year
  • Robert Koch discovered

    He discovered that pathogens are the source of some diseases and proved that Lister was correct
  • The Cholera germ is identified

    After many, many strikes of the Cholera, and thousdands and thousands, have died from it the found the germ
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Different human blood types were discovered

    Different human blood types were discovered
  • The stereotactic method was invented

  • Vitamin D is discovered

    Vitamin D is discovered
  • Alexzander Fleming discovers Penicillin

    Alexzander Fleming discovers Penicillin
  • Salk discovers Polio vaccine

  • Rhazes discovered difference between smallpox and measles

    Rhazes discovered difference between smallpox and measles