Period: 500 to
History of Medicine
Period: 500 to Jan 31, 1500
Middle Ages
Sep 9, 1200
There may have been as many as 400 hospitals in England.
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Sep 9, 1300
Plagues triggered the construction of even more hospitals.
Sep 9, 1347
The bubonic plague broke out in Istanbul (modern day Turkey).
Sep 9, 1348
The Black Death was to kill 2/3rds of England’s population
Sep 9, 1348
The Plague, started off in Asia, and made its way westward, hitting Western and Mediterranean Europe
Sep 4, 1400
Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied
Sep 9, 1492
When Christopher and his men arrived in the Caribbean, the area became ridden with deadly epidemics.
Sep 9, 1510
Ambroise Pare was one of the fathers of modern forensic pathology and surgery
Sep 9, 1578
William Harvey was the first person to properly describe the systemic circulation and properties of blood
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
The Plaque kept coming back and caused devastation in several areas uptil the 17th century
Small pox caused over half of Mexico's indigenous population die
Edward Anthony Jenner created the smallpox vaccine
Industrial Britain was hit by an outbreak of cholera
Microbes were discovered by Louis Pasteur
Period: to
Modern World
Insulin was discovered
The first polio vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk
The Heart-Lung Machine was invented
The first human lung transplant was performed
The insulin pump was invented
Rhazes discoverd differences between smallpox and measles