History of Medicine Timeline

  • 500

    middle ages

    middle ages
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    middle ages

    1,the first pharmacy was established in 745.
    2,Wounds were to be cleaned and then sutured to promote healing.
    3,the concept of quarantine is to keep groups of people apart so that disease could not spread.
    4, Alcmaeon of Croton distinguished veins from arteries.
    5, in Francis Rynd invented the hollow needle.
  • 1300


  • 1300


  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


    1, the wheelchair was invented by an unknown inventor.
    2, Hans Leppershey invented the microscope.
    3, artists started making drawings of the human body.
    4, Louis Pasteur came up with the idea of sterilizing the medical tools so infection wouldn't spread
    5, laudanum was invented to help get rid of pain.
  • Period: to

    industrial revolution

    1. Edward Jenner discovered vaccines 2.Robert Koch discovered pathogens
    2. start of anesthesia
    3. discovery of blood cells
    4. the first wheel chair was invented
  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
  • Period: to

    modern world

    1.discovery of organ transplants
    2. AZT is used to combat aids
    3. MRI discovered
    4. aspirin was made by Felix Hoffmann
    5. First successful open heart surgery preformed in the united states.
  • modern world

    modern world
  • modern world

    modern world
  • Period: to

    21st century

    1.Anti-Smoking laws and campaigns reduce public smoking
    2. Heart disease death dropped by 40%
    3. combination drug therapy extends HIV survival
    4. 3D printing body parts
    5. Wilson Greatbatch invented the pacemaker
  • 21 century

    21 century
  • 21 century

    21 century
  • middle ages

    middle ages