Medical Interventions

  • Clinical Breast Exam

    Clinical Breast Exam
    Clincial Breast Exam also known as CBE, is recommended for women in their 20's-30's especially every woman over 40. This process is another way to exam cancerous bumps in breasts.
  • Mammogram

    Mammograms are recommended yearly at age 40, and continuing for as long as a awoman is in good health. It helps detect cancerous lumps in breasts.
  • Prostate Examination

    Prostate Examination
    Starting at age 50 men need to get checked for prostate cancer within the testies,
  • Pap smear

    Pap smear
    Pap smears should be done every 3 years after intercourse or at least every 2 years after turning 21. This will help catch any signs of cervical cancer.
  • Endometrial Biopsy

    Endometrial Biopsy
    Needed examination during menopause.