Medical Hystory and health care

  • 200


    Galen descrobed how to cure breathing difficulties by performing a tracheotomy, a surgical opening of the trachea, or wind-pipe.
  • 200


    Barbers would cut more than just hair barbers were not only barbers there were also surgeons, they would perform surgery to treat cataracts and practiced phlebotomy (blood letting). They also servered with the military and treated injuries sustained in battle. They amputated limbs and burned the stumps to seal the amputaed person's limbs blood vessels
  • Period: 200 to Sep 8, 1500

    Middle ages

  • Sep 8, 1000

    Medical care

    Medical care becomes regulated
  • Sep 8, 1350

    Christan monasteries

    Christan monasteries
    Christian monasteries are founded to treat the sick and ill
  • Sep 8, 1400

    Jacoba Felicie

    Jacoba Felicie
    French woman jacoba felice tried for practice medicine because she was a girl she told the judge that it is embarrasing for women to enter a physician the judge did not find her in favor,and she is denied the right to study medicine ever again
  • Period: Sep 1, 1500 to


  • Sep 8, 1503

    Anatomical studies

    Anatomical studies
    During the age of enlightenment a philosophical movement of the 1700s studies of the human anatomy took place. these investigations, which had been forbidden by the church in the past, helped correct many beliefs.
  • scientific method

    scientific method
    During the sixteenth century, the scientific method came into use in europe. this was a major change in the way people thought about medicine and research. the scientific method is a process used to acquire new knowledge. instead of using guesswork or the super-natural to explain events and diseases, people began to look for the real causes of what they saw around them. the scientific method was based on observation and taking careful notes. this method was not common practice during middle age
  • Robert hooke

    The microscope was develpted which allowed much more accurate observations of patients and symptoms. Doctors could propose an explanation of disease and test it by experimentation and observation and the first ever reflecting microscope was develeped by robert hooke
  • Antonie Van

    Antonie van leeuwenhoek describes bacteria
  • Printing press

    Printing press allowed for more publication of discoveries
  • Fracnis bacon

    Fracnis bacon
    francis bacon uses microscope to discover plauge fleas
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Edward jenner

    Edawrd jenner discovered the 1st ever vaccination
  • Blood cells

    Discovery of blood cells,bacteria,protozoa, and stethoscope
  • Louis pasteur

    Louis pasteur carried out experiments that became the basis for modern microbiology(pasterurization of milk).
  • Joseph

    Joseph lister was ridiculed for insisting on the use of carbolic soap to disinfect instruments and for insisting on the use of carbolic soap to disinfect instruments and clean hands before doctors moved to another patient.
  • Robert Koch

    Rpbert koch discovered that pathogens, or disease producing microorganisms, are the source of some diseases and proved that lister was correct. this was the beginning of modern bacteriology.
  • Ignaz sennelweis

    Ignaz semmelweis shows importance of hand washing
  • John Snow

    John snow stops outbreak of the contagious cholera
  • Marie curie

    Marie curie
    Marie curie discovers science of radioactivity
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Plague

    Bubonic plague hits San Francisco
  • Anestetic

    During the industrial revolution period doctors started useing anesthetic during surgery to make it painless as possible.
  • Organ transplants

    Organ transplants
    Discovery of organ transplants,X-rays,radium for cancer treatment,MRI, and CAT scans
  • Alexander fleming

    Alexander Fleming discovers penicilin
  • Salk

    Salk discovers polio vaccine
  • Smallpox

    WHO declares smallpox eradicated
  • Health care

    Managed healthcare;growth in uninsured
  • AZT

    AZT is used to combat AIDS
  • Steve Thomas

    steve thomas used steril maggots for infectious wound treatment
  • Gardasil

    gardasil, a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer approved by the fda
  • Mippa(medicare improvements for patients and providers act)

    Mippa(medicare improvements for patients and providers act) mippa provides incentives for practitioners who use electronic health records and e-prescribing
  • FDA

    The first FDA approved implanted abiocor artificial heart placed in a patient on June 24, Patient died on August 23
  • Surgerys

    Surgeries are perfomed with intricate computerized equipment.
  • rhazes

    rhazes discovered difference between smallpox and measles