Medical History Timeline

  • 500

    The Beginning of Medical Care Regulation

    Regulation of Medical Care began during the Middle Ages. Physicians and Surgeons received different training. Physicians learned by reading books and training with experienced doctors.
  • Period: 500 to

    MIddle Ages

  • 1300

    Religion and Medicine

    By the 13th century, there were scores of hospitals in the Muslim world. Religions based on the Qur'on taught their followers social responsibilities including the rich providing for the poor, and the healthy caring for the sick. These rules led the founding of many Islamic hospitals.
  • 1301

    The Scientific Method

    The scientific method is a process used to aquire new knowledge. Instead of guessing or supernatural to explain events and diseases, people began to look for the real causes of what they saw around them.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1400

    Jacoba Felicie

    Jacoba Felicie
    In the 14th Century a French Woman named Jacoba Felicie was tried for practicing medicine without a license. She went to court and defended herself by saving that women were embarrassed to go to a male physician for treatment. The judge did not accept her reasoning, so she was forbidden to practice medicine.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press made it possible to publish books faster. New information about new discoveries could be spread quickly.
  • 1500

    Barber Surgeon

    Barber Surgeon
    In the Middle Ages barbers cut more than hair. Barber-Surgeons performed surgery to treat cataracts and practiced phlebotomy or (bloodletting). They also served with the military and treated injuries in battle.
  • The Microscope

    The Microscope
    This invention allowed much more accurate observation of patients and symptoms. Doctors could explain diseases and test it by experimentation and observation.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Built one of the first reflecting microscopes.
  • Human Anatomy

    During the Age of Enlightenment, a philosophical movement of the 1700s, studies of human anatomy took place. These investigations were forbidden by the church in the past and helped correct many beliefs.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    He discovered that milkmaids exposed to cowpox did not get smallpox. He began inoculating people with the fluid from cowpox blisters. This began the practice of vaccination.
  • Rhazes

    Persian doctor Rhazes discovered the difference between smallpox and measles. He wrote his findings around CE 900, but his works were used until the 1800s. Rhazes played a role in development of medicine as a science by building on the ideas of Hippocrates.
  • Stethoscope

    This tool was a new way to diagnose things.
  • Anesthetic

    During this period the use of an anesthetic began. It maid painless surgery possible.
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    He was ridiculed for insisting that we use carbolic soap to disinfect instruments and clean hands before doctors moved to another patient. Today we call his practice hand washing as a way to prevent spreading infections.
  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    He discovered that pathogens or disease producing microorganisms are the source of some diseases and proved that Lister was correct.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • The Human Genome Project

    The Human Genome Project
    This project identified all of the 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA. This knowledge has been crucial in the development of many new and individualized drugs and treatments.
  • Michael Sofia

    Michael Sofia
    Discovered the cure for Hapatitis C, which s a viral infection that causes liver inflammation, sometimes leading to serious liver damage.
  • Today's healthcare professionals

    Healthcare professionals today need to be able to think critically and use flexible approaches to problem solving. Learning and adapting to change are necessary to maintain competency in the high tech environment of modern healthcare.
  • Electronic health records

    These records and electronic communication provide instant transmission of information
  • Healthy lifestyle

    People in many areas of the world today are living longer and healthier lives because of vaccines, clean water, and better nutrition. Unlike earlier times, they did not have any of these things provided for them, which is why people died more and lived a short time.