Medical History Timeline!

  • 500

    Bian Que

    Bian Que
    Bian Que becomes the earliest physician known to use acupuncture and pulse diagnosis.
  • 500

    Alcmaeon of Croton

    Alcmaeon of Croton scientific anatomic dissections. He studied the optic nerves and the brain, arguing that the brain was the seat of the senses and intelligence. He distinguished veins from the arteries and had at least vague understanding of the circulation of the blood.
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 754


    The first pharmacy was established in Baghda.
  • 1020

    The First Eye Surgery

    The First Eye Surgery
    Ammar ibn `Ali al-Mawsili performed the first successful eye surgery. Using a needle and removing a cataract.
  • 1095

    Congregation of the Antonines

    Congregation of the Antonines
    Congregation of the Antonines, was founded to treat victims of "St. Anthony's fire" a skin disease.
  • 1210

    Surgeons and Lay Barbers or Barber-Surgeons

    Barbers eventually evolve into two groups: surgeons who were educated and trained to perform complex surgical operations; and lay barbers, or barber-surgeons, who performed more routine hygienic services including shaving, bleeding and tooth extraction.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1400

    Lay Barbers

    A series of royal decrees in France prohibit lay barbers from practicing all surgical procedures except bleeding, cupping, leeching, and extracting teeth
  • 1452

    Paré a French Surgeon

    Paré was a French surgeon, anatomist and an inventor of surgical instruments. He was a military surgeon during the French campaigns in Italy
  • 1575

    Ambrose Pare or the Father of Surgery

    In France Ambrose Pare, known as the Father of Surgery, publishes his Complete Works. This includes practical information about dentistry such as tooth extraction and the treatment of tooth decay and jaw fractures.
  • 1578

    William Harvey

    William Harvey was an English medical doctor-physicist, known for his contributions in heart and blood movement.
  • Discovering Blood Cells

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cell.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Isaac Greenwood

    Isaac Greenwood practices as the first native-born American dentist
  • John Baker

    John Baker, the earliest medically-trained dentist to practice in America, immigrates from England and sets up practice.
  • Claudius Aymand

    Claudius Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy
  • TB

    a disease of affest quickly to people who live in dirty or damp homes.
  • Cholera

    Cholera was a feared disease, it spreaded fast when the people drinked the river water
  • C. Edmond Kells

    The first female dental assistant is employed by C. Edmond Kells, a prominent New Orleans dentist. Her duties include chair-side assistance, instrument cleaning, inventory, appointments, bookkeeping, and reception.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl Landsteiner introduces the system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O groups
  • First Vaccine Development

    First vaccine developed for whooping cough
  • Fluide Toothpastes

    Fluide Toothpastes
    The first fluoride toothpastes are marketed.
  • Lasers

    Lasers are developed and approved for soft tissue work, such as treatment of periodontal disease.
  • The First Electric Toothbrush

    The First Electric Toothbrush
    The first commercial electric toothbrush, developed in Switzerland after World War II, is introduced in the United States. A cordless, rechargeable model follows in 1961.
  • HIVS and AIDS

    HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is identified
  • Embryo

    Advanced cell technology announced it cloned a human embryo but the embryo did not survive.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • President George W. Bush

    Approved federal funding in search for using exiting lines of embryonic did not survive.
  • Trying to cure Cancer

    First vaccine to target a cause of cancer
  • Wearable Artificial Kidney

    Wearable Artificial Kidney
    The FDA approves the first human clinical trials in the United States for a wearable artificial kidney designed by Blood Purification Technologies Inc. out of Beverly Hills, California.
  • Cancer Patients and Veterans

    The success of an first-time experimental surgery will determine future availability for U.S. cancer patients and veterans with injuries to the pelvic region.