Medical History Timeline

By Goldwig
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg Creates the First Pringting Press

    Johannes Gutenberg Creates the First Pringting Press
    Explained in the title.
  • Jan 1, 1489

    Leonardo da Vinci disects Corpses

    Leonardo da Vinci disects Corpses
    Leonardo da Vinci begins disecting corpses, allowing humans a deeper understanding of human anatomy,
  • America Becomes A Country

    America Becomes A Country
    The United States of America stated its independence from Great Britain with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Rene Laennec Invents the Stethoscope

  • First Successful Transfusion of Human Blood

    First Successful Transfusion of Human Blood
    James Blundell completes the first human blood transfusion after years of failure and animal experiements.
  • Ether As First General Anesthetic

    Ether As First General Anesthetic
    Crawford W. Long becomes the first surgeon to use a general anesthetic.
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    The war between the North and the South begins in the newly formed America with the "shot heard round the world."
  • First Contact Lenses Developed

    First Contact Lenses Developed
    Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick becomes the first person to invent contacts.
  • Aspirin is Developed

    Aspirin is Developed
    Felix Hoffman is credited with the production of this multi-use drug.
  • World War One Begins

    World War One Begins
    World War One begins following the assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand and his wife.
  • Insulin First Used to Treat Diabetes

    Insulin First Used to Treat Diabetes
  • First Blood Bank in Chicago

    First Blood Bank in Chicago
    Bernard Fantus creates the use the first blood bank in Chicago.
  • World War Two Begins

    World War Two Begins
    The Decleration of war is officially stated in the United States on this date.
  • First vaccine Developed for Influenza

    First vaccine Developed for Influenza
    Multiple scientists are credited with the creation of the first influenza vaccine.
  • First Cardiac Pacemaker

    First Cardiac Pacemaker
    John Hopps creates the first cardiac pacemaker.
  • First Polio Vaccine

    First Polio Vaccine
    Jonas Salk develops the first polio vaccine.
  • CAT-Scans Invented

    CAT-Scans Invented
    Robert S. Ledley invents CAT-Scans.
  • First Test-Tube Baby is Born

    First Test-Tube Baby is Born
  • Smallpox is Eradicated

    Smallpox is Eradicated
    Smallpox is eradicated through the use of medication in the United States.
  • HIV is Identified

    HIV is Identified
  • Genetic Fingerprinting

    Alec Jeffreys comes up with a genetic fingerprinting method.
  • Dolly the Sheep

    Dolly the Sheep
    Dolly the sheep is cloned by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and colleagues at the Roslin Institute,
  • First Cancer Vaccine

    First Cancer Vaccine
    The first vaccine is created that specifically targets a type of cancer by various scientists in a collaborative event.
  • Man-Made Mouse Eggs

    Man-Made Mouse Eggs
    Researchers in Japan used stem cells to develope the first man-made eggs.