Period: 400 to
Dark Ages
Period: Jan 1, 1350 to
First Mercury Thermometer
Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first mercury thermometer -
Lime juice containing vitamin C to prevent Scurvy
Vaccination for smallpox
Edward Jenner developed a vaccination for smallpox in 1796 -
Dr. James Simpson began using chloroform as an anesthetic -
Prevent Infection
Joseph Lister started using disinfectants and antiseptics during surgery to prevent infection -
Clara Barton founded the red cross
Rabies vaccine
Louis Pasteur created the vaccine for rabies -
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays -
Vaccine for Typhoid fever
Almroth Wright developed the vaccine for typhoid fever -
Marie Curie isolated Radium
Fredrick Banting and Charles Best discovered and used insulin to treat diabetes -
Sir Alexander Flaming discovered penicillin -
First kidney dialysis machine
First heart-lung machine used for open heart surgery
First sucessful kidney transplant in humans
Birth Control
FDA approved birth control -
First liver transplant
First lung transplant
First hospice founded in England
First successful heart transplant in humans
CAT scan developed
Test Tube baby
First test tube baby was born in England -
A sheep was cloned
Period: to Jan 1, 1400
Middle Ages