Dark Ages: Letting blood and herbs to cure illness. No antibiotics.
Jan 1, 1010
Avicenna writesThe Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine
Jan 1, 1200
End of Dark Ages
Jan 1, 1249
Roger Bacon invented the spectacles
Roger Bacon invented the spectacles -
Jan 1, 1348
About 75% of Europe's population dead from the plague in just 20 years, also known as the black dead.
About 75% of Europe's population dead from the plague in just 20 years, also known as the black dead. -
Jan 1, 1489
Human anatomy: Leonardo da Vinci started dissecting human bodies.
Leonardo da Vinci started dissecting human bodies. -
Zacharius Jannssen invents the microscope
The thermometer was invented by Galileo Galilei.
William Harvey published a book explaining the circulation of blood to and from the heart.
Blood Cells: Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells. -
Dr. Horace Wells, American dentist, uses nitrous oxide as an anesthetic.
Pasteurization: Louis Pasteur began the process of pasteurization of milk to kill bacteria.
Clara Barton found the American Red Cross
Clara Barton found the American Red Cross -
Louis Pasteur developed the first vaccine for rabies.
Louis Pasteur developed the first vaccine for rabies. -
William Roentgen discovered X-rays
William Roentgen discovered X-rays -
Felix Hoffman develops aspirin
Felix Hoffman develops aspirin -
Karl Landsteiner introduces the system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O groups
Insulin was use to treat diabetes.
Insulin was use to treat diabetes. -
First vaccine developed for whooping cough
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. -
Jonas Silk develop a vaccine for polio.
Jonas Silk develop a vaccine for polio. -
Dr. Christiaan performs the first heart transplant.
Dr. Christiaan performs the first heart transplant. -
First vaccine for chicken poxs.
First vaccine for chicken poxs. -
The first test tube baby was born in the U.K.
The first test tube baby was born in the U.K. -
Dr. William DeVries implanted the Jarvik-7 artificial heart into Barny Clark. Clark lives for 11 years.
Dr. William DeVries implanted the Jarvik-7 artificial heart into Barny Clark. Clark lives for 11 years. -
HIV, the virus for aids was discovered.
HIV, the virus for aids was discovered. -
Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to get clone.
Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to get clone. -
Scientists discover how to use human cell to create embronic stem cells
Scientists discover how to use human cell to create embronic stem cells -
Persian physician Rhazes identifies smallpox