
Medical History Timeline

  • 400

    Greeks 400 B.C.E

    Greeks 400 B.C.E
    The greeks began the study of disease, "the father of medicine" (Hippocrates) wrote the code of ethics for physicians called the Hippocratic Oath
  • 500

    Egyptians 3500-500B.C.E

    Earlist people to keep accurate records, identified some specific diseases, used medicins to heal disease and splinted fractures
  • Oct 4, 1200

    Dark and Middle ages 400-1400 CE

    during this time frame the practice of medicin had come to a complete stop for over 1,000 years. during this time there were many plagues and epidmics (Bubonic, small pox, syphilis)
  • William Harvey publishes "anatomical study of the motion of the heart and of the blood of animals"

  • cow pox?

    cow pox?
    Edward Jenner finds a way to protect people from small pox by introducing cow pox.
  • vaccine for small pox

    vaccine for small pox
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
  • 1st sucsessfull transfusion of blood.

    performed by James Blundell
  • Federal contol over drug supply

    Congress required the U.S customs service to stop entry of adulterated drugs from overseas.
  • 1st woman to recive degree

    Elizabeath Balckwell is the first ever woman to recive a medical degree.
  • importance of clean

    importance of clean
    Jospeh Lister wrote a book called "aniseptic prniciple of the practive of surgery" one of the most important events in medical history
  • Founding of the American Red Cross

    Founding of the American Red Cross
  • 1st vaccine for rabies

  • Discovered x-rays

  • 1st vaccine for typhoid fever

  • development of aspirin

    Felix Hoffman developes aspirin "pain relief"
  • take your vitimins

    take your vitimins
    Sir Fredrickson Gowland Hopkins tells and finds how taking vitimins is an important part of human health.
  • Isolated Radium

  • 1st vaccine for tetanus

  • 1st vaccine for yellow fever

  • Polio vaccine developed

  • cardiac pacemaker

    cardiac pacemaker
    Paul Zoll developed the cardiac pacemaker to help control irregular heart beat.
  • 1st kidney transplant between twins.

    performed by Dr. Jospeh e, Murray
  • test tube baby

    test tube baby
    the very first test tube baby is born!
  • Jarvik-7

    Dr. William Derives implants the jarvik-7 artifical heart into barney clark, he lived 112 days.
  • HIV found

    the virius HIV is found to cause ADIS