Dark and Middle Ages
Jan 1, 1200
First strict measures for control of public hygiene instituted.
First strict measures for control of public hygiene instituted. -
Jan 1, 1300
First dissection of human corpse.
First dissection of human corpse. -
Jan 1, 1400
First recorded regulations for mid-wives.
First recorded regulations for mid-wives -
Jan 1, 1400
The Renaissance
Jan 1, 1400
Medical schools were built
Jan 1, 1500
First scientific study of human anatomy published.
First scientific study of human anatomy published -
Jan 1, 1500
16-17th century
William Harvey- described the circulation of blood and the pumping of the heart -
Blood circulation first described. Bacteria discovered.
Ben Franklin
Invented bifocals and found that colds could be passed from person to person. -
First law requiring licensed medical practitioners
Obstertrics established as a separate branch of medicine. -
Vaccination against smallpox devceloped
19-20th century
Joseph Lister- the first doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery to prevent infection in the incision -
Joseph Lister
The first doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery to prevent infection in the incision -
Ignas Semmelwelss
Identified the cause of maternal infections and instituted hand washing. Medical students would deliver babies after coming from the cadaver lab without washing their hands, causing the death of many newborn babies and mothers. He died from a cut during an autopsy. -
First practical anesthetic, ether, introduced
Elizabeth Blackwell
She became the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the U.S. Inspired Florence Nightingale to pursue nursing. -
Germ theory introduced
Rabies vaccine discovered
First succesffu polio vaccine
Birth Control pill introduced
Christian Barnard
performed the world's first heart transplant surgery. -
First test-tube baby born
AIDS first recongnzed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention