Egyptians were the earliest people known to manitain accurate health records from all the way from 525bc. -
Period: 400 to Dec 31, 1400
Dark and Middle Ages
-Study of med-science stopped for over 1,000 years
-Medicine practiced only in monestance and convents
-Used herbal medicine
Many plagues and epicermic - bubnic plague, smallpox, clipthia, syphillisi and tuberculosis -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Dec 31, 1099
First school of medicine established in Salerno, Italy -
Period: Jan 1, 1200 to Dec 31, 1299
Fist strict measure for control public hygiene -
Jan 1, 1287
Eye glasses or Spectacles
Glasses were invented and they were invented in Italy. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Dec 31, 1399
Fist dissection of humane corpse. -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Dec 31, 1499
First recorded regulations for midwives. -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
The Renaissance
-Rebirth of science - a chance to study the body
-Medical schools were built - more people became interested in the study of medicine.
-The printing press made books possible and knowledge was shared. Accepted the study of the body by dissction -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
First scientific study of human anatomy published -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
-Andeas Vesaliw and Leanardo Da Vinci dissectecd human bodies and made the first anatomical drawings.
-William Harvey described the circulation of blood and the pumping of the heart.
-Anton Von Leauwenhoek invented the microscope. -
Period: to
Blood circulation first described,
Bacteria discverd -
Period: to
-First law requiring licensed medical practitioners
-Obstertrics established as a seperate branchof medicine -
Period: to
Eighteenth Century
-Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope.
-Bengamin Franklin invented bifocals and found that colds could be passed from person to person - in 1784
-Edward Jenner, vaccination for smallpox (which is related to cowpox). -
Vaccination against smallpox developed Edward Jenner developed it. -
Elecricity was invented in the mid 1800s, all stared when Benjamin Franklin tested the keytied to the kite. -
Period: to
Diagnostic tools, such as microscope, thermometer and x-rays invented -
Period: to
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
-Joseph Lister was the first doctor to use and antiseptic during surgery to prevent infection in the incision.
-Luis Pasteur identified the cause of maternal infections and insituted hand washing.
-Ignas Semmelweiss - rabies vaccine proved that microorganisms caused diseaseand discovered that heating milk prevented bacteria (pasteurization).
-Robert Koch - "Father of Microbiology" he discovered many disease-causing organisms (anthrax, tuberculosis, cholera. -
Period: to
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
-Florence Nightingale started the first school of nursing during Crimean War.
-Clara Bartona "Angel of the Battlefield", she established American Red Cross.
-Jonas Stalk discovered an altered polio virus vaccine.
-Albert Sabin creator of the oral poilo vaccine and was more effective than Stalks. -
Period: to
Dorthea Dix
Dorthea Dix was a nurse in the Civil war working on the battlefield also worked with mentally ill patients she also worked and taught nurses. -
Period: to
Gregory Mendal
Established the patterns of heredity. -
Samuel F.B. Morse invented the telegraph -
First practical anesthetic, either introduced -
Elizebeth Blackwell she became the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the U.S and pursue in nursing -
Period: to
Studied the effects of the uconscious mind and determinded the body and mind work together. -
Period: to
Civil War
Civil War they spread different diseases to person to person and infections because they didnt know they had to sanatize things or even know about other blood types. They also when they got shot they didnt know how tho treat it and they had to amputate using a saw and then turn around and use it on another person. -
Louis Pasteur came up with the germ theory, by pasteurizing milk to kill bacteria. -
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays allowing doctors to see inside of the patient. -
Period: to
Major blood types (O, A, B, and AB) identified -
Discovery of Penicillin
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic. This was considered one of the most important discoveries in the twentieth century. -
Atomic Bomb
Atomic bomb ends ww2 and doctors have to figure out how to treat victims. -
Jonas Salk developed first successful polio vaccine -
Car seat belts
Car seat belts were put in vehicles, so when people got in vehicle accidents they wernt that bad as before. -
Birth control
Birth control pill introduced -
First heart surgery
Christain Barnard permformed the worlds first heart transplant surgery -
Louise Brown was the first test-tube baby born. -
AIDS first recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - the first AIDS-like cases were identified more than a century earlier in 1872 -
Scientists cloned dolly the sheep - identical copy of and original -
Gunpowder was invented by the Chineese but didnt acutually get used intill 1346. -
Period: to
He was an Arab physician who began the use of animal gut for suture.