medical history (med invest)

  • 200

    middle ages

    middle ages
    Barber surgeons are barbers that were also medical practitioners many of which didn't have formal knowledge and were illiterate. Barber surgeons jobs were to extract teeth, give enemas, and treat cataracts.
  • 900

    middle ages

    Al-Rhazes found the difference between small pox and measles. Smallpox is a contagious disease caused by pox viruses. Smallpox enter the body through the upper respiratory system. Side affects are fevers and a rash. Measles are a contagious disease caused by the "paramyxo virus family." Some of the side affects start with a fever, sneezing, eye redness, and lymphopenia.
  • 1000

    middle ages

    middle ages
    Tracheotomy's were incisions in the windpipe. Doctors would use a knife to make an opening in the throat. Homer reported that "Alexander the great" saved a soldiers life from suffocation by making an incision in the trachea using his knife.
  • 1200

    middle ages

    Regulated medical care is physicians that were licensed after training with professional doctors. They also learned by reading books.
  • 1300

    middle ages

    Jacoba Felicie was a Frenchwoman who practiced medicine without a license. Jacoba was tired and explained that sometimes women feel embarrassed to visit a male for treatment. Jacoba was later forbidden to practice medicine.
  • Renaissance

    The scientific method was developed by Muslim scholars. They were the first to use the experiment for science. Their steps were much like the ones we use today.
  • Renaissance

    The printing press was important to the renaissance because it helped spread information quickly and effectively. It also helped people save a lot of time. Instead of having to print each letter at a time the printing press helped print pages at a time.
  • Renaissance

    Robert Hooke helped invent the microscope. It had several features such as an eye cup to help maintain distance between the eye and the eyepiece. It had separate draw tubes for focusing on your object. The microscope measured at six inches long.
  • Renaissance

    Antoine Van's careful observations helped him discover bacteria. With "very little animalcules" he could separate different sources such as "rainwater, pond and well water, the human mouth, and intestines." The first representation of bacteria is found in a drawing by Antoine.
  • Renaissance

    Francis Bacon; discovers plague fleas.
    Francis was using a microscope to look at a flea. He stated "the strength and small beauty of this creature...had no other relation at all to man, would deserve a description." Then Francis also talks about how it had sharp teeth that pierce the skin and suck the blood of an animal leaving the skin inflamed with a small red spot.
  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
    Edward Jenner discovered the vaccination of smallpox. Jenner noticed that milkmaids never caught smallpox. Jenner states, " they inevitably caught cowpox with their close work with cows." in 1796 Jenner inserted pus from milkmaid and with cowpox and put it into a boy. He later got smallpox. He was found to be immune. Jenner later called this method vaccination.
  • industrial revolution

    The discovery of pathogens.
    There was a lot of serious outbreaks such as smallpox, typhus, scurvy, and tuberculosis. A group of scientist and doctors got together to come up with a vaccination. William Withering introduced digitals to medical science. Doctors were using experiments and observations to give medicine a "new place in society."
  • industrial revolution

    When doctors were delivering babies they noticed that many of them were dying by fevers caused by germs. the doctors soon realized that they were doing something wrong. So they ran an experiment by tracking how many children were dying before to how many children were dying after their experiment. They started washing their hands with chlorine. The death rate before this was 1 in every 10 children, after this it decreased to 1 in every 100 children.
  • industrial revolution

    Louis Pasteur studied wine contamination. He used a a simple procedure.He heated wine to 60 degrees Celsius to kill organisms. After this success Louis tried it on beer. Then a disease broke out in France called silkworms disease. So he experimented with that and found a vaccination. Then he tried it on a disease called chicken cholera. Eventually he tried it on rabid animals and found a vaccination for rabies. With this method he and his co-workers found the pasteurization of milk.
  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
    Joseph Lister was a surgeon who found new principals of cleanliness. Lister introduced sterile surgery. A patient could undergo a surgery and later die from and infection called "ward fever." Lister read work on pastures study of microorganisms. Pastures work showed techniques that expose wounds to chemicals. Lister later did an experiment. He covered a wound with "carbolic acid (phenol)" and noticed that the rate of infection was "vastly reduced."
  • modern world

    modern world
    Penicillin was one of the worlds first antibiotics. Alexander noted that a mold called penicillin that contaminated his petri dished. So he used his microscope to examine the dish. He found out that the mold "prevented the normal growth of the staphylococci." After a few more weeks he was able to confirm his findings.
  • modern world

    In the early 1950's 25,000 to 50,000 cases of polio occurred each year. Jonas Stalk was a "national hero" when he created the first polio vaccine. Because of the vaccine the disease was put under control. Many scientist were working on multiple topics but their main one being the "polio-virus."
  • modern world

    Manages healthcare emerged in the U.S healthcare system in 1965. "The creation of medicare and medicate gave federal lawmakers and regulations much more control over the healthcare systems." The government provided funds for "new managed care organizations" with hopes that it would control the costs.
  • modern world

    modern world
    In 1986 the first organ procurement organization was established. In 1986 state laws established the uniform donor card as a legal document of gift in all 50 states. It identified the types and priority's of individuals who could donate a deceased persons organs, and allowed anyone over 18 to legally donate his/her organs upon death.
  • modern world

    Before vaccinations were discovered for AIDS it affected millions of people and a few thousand people died from it. The vaccine they used was called azidothymidine. It was originally used to "thwart cancer."
  • 21st century

    21st century
    Steve Thomas used sterile maggots for wound treatment because the maggots helps destroy bacteria. This helps prevent people from having infections.
  • 21st century

    The Human Genome project (HGP) was a 13 year project. The HGP "determines the sequence of the human genome and identifies the genes that it contains." The article also states, "the work of the Human Genome Project has allowed researchers to begin to understand the blue print for building a person."
  • 21st century

    21st century
    FDA approves Gardasil 9.
    With this vaccine it helps prevent more than 90 percent of cervical cancers." Gardasil 9 covers 4 HPV types as Gardasil, as well as an additional 5 HPV types. Gardasil 9 was approved for use in males and females ages 9-29 years"
  • 21st century

    MIPPA stands for Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers. MIPPA is for adults and caregivers to apply for assistance through medicare. It gives caregivers permission to provide assistance for people who are eligible for low income.
  • 21st century

    The Science Daily article says Embryonic stem cells are "stem cells derived from the undifferentiated inner mass cells of a human embryo." This means that the embryo's grow into the "three primary germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.