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Medical History

  • 500


    They began in christian religious establishments and was one of the first places where people could be treated with specialized equipment.
  • Jan 1, 754


    The first pharmacies started in Baghdad and were very helpful for the people in the area it was in. It was also where they made the drugs.
  • Jan 1, 1201


    They helped correct vision which was very useful for people with bad eyesight.
  • Jan 1, 1201

    Cleaning Wounds

    Theodoric Borgognoni came up with an antiseptic method, where wounds were to be cleaned and then sutured to promote healing.
  • Jan 1, 1201

    Theodoric Borgognoni

    He was the person who came up with an antiseptic method, where wounds were to be cleaned and then sutured to promote healing.
  • Jan 1, 1315

    Mondino de Luzzi

    Mondino de Luzzi
    A person named Mondino de Luzzi performed the dissection in front of a student audience. He also wrote the first book about dissection named Anathomia corporis humani.
  • Jan 1, 1400


    Many home remedies were made using ingredients such as honey, which we now know kills bacteria. They could easily make it because more people could read and wright.
  • The Microscope

    It was invented by Dutch lens grinder Zacharius Jannssen and was later refined.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    He published the book "An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals."
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    He refined the microscope made by Dutch lens grinder Zacharius Jannssen and made nearly 500 models of it. He also examined blood cells.
  • James Lind

    He was a naval surgeon that discovered that citrus fruits prevent scurvy. He published a book called "Treatise of the Scurvy" that explained how to cure it.
  • Edward Jenners

    Edward Jenners
    Somebody brought there kid to this doctor and he wanted to try his vaccine on this little boy.
  • Nitrous Oxide

    Nitrous Oxide
    A doctor by the name of Sir Humphry Davy discovered that nitrous oxide has anesthetic properties, but doctors didn't start using it for another 45 years.
  • Cholera

    A doctor named Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine made the first vaccine for cholera
  • Anthrax

    A doctor named Pasteur made the first vaccine for anthrax
  • Diphtheria

    The first vaccine for diphtheria was created by doctor Von Behring
  • Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins

    This doctor suggest the existence of vitamins and concludes that they are essential to health. He also wont the Nobel prize in 1929
  • D. Paul Dudley White

    He becomes one of the first people in America to become a cardiologist. It is a doctor that specializes in the heart.
  • Insulin

    It was first used to treat diabetes by doctor Sir Fredrick G Banting
  • Pertussis

    The first vaccine for pertussis was created by doctor Lelia Denmark
  • Draft of a human genome

    The first draft of human genome is announced
  • Mini-Liver

    This is generated from the human cord blood stem cells by doctors at Newcastle University, U.K. It is also about the size of a small coin.
  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    Scientist use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells
  • Woolly Mammoth DNA

    Woolly Mammoth DNA
    The DNA from an extinct woolly mammoth was spliced into an elephant. Scientists then successfully use the "revived" DNA to sequence the mammoth's complete genome.
  • Thomas Manning

    Thomas Manning was the first person to receive a penis transplant.