Medical History

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • Jan 1, 910

    Rhazes identifies smallpox

    Persian physician properly identifies smallpox for the first time
  • 1010

    The Canon of Medicine

    The Canon of Medicine
    Avicenna wrote another book called The Canon of Medicine
  • 1010

    Book of Healing

    Avicenna a Persian Muslim physician wrote Book of Healing
  • 1100

    Medical care regulated

    Medical Care becomes a more regulated practice, more rules and standards helped paved the way for proper medical care
  • 1249

    Spectacles invented

    Spectacles invented
    Roger Bacon an english philosopher invents spectacles
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1489

    Body dissection begins

    Body dissection begins
    Leonardo da Vinci starts dissecting corpes to gain a better understanding of the human body
  • 1543

    Human Anatomy findings published

    Human Anatomy findings published
    Vesalius publishes his findings on human anatomy in a series of books called De Fabrica Corporis Humani
  • Blood transfusions experimented on

    Sir Christopher Wren experiments with canine blood transfusions
  • Blood Cells discovered

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells
  • Bacteria discovered

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers bacteria a little over a decade after discovering blood cells
  • First attempt at smallpox vaccination

    Giacomo Pylarini makes the first successful attempts to cure smallpox
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • First appendectomy preformed

    First appendectomy preformed
    Claudius Aymand preforms the first appendectomy (removal of the appendix)
  • First stethoscope invented

    Rene Laennec invents the first stethoscope, another break through for medical instruments
  • First Human Blood Transfusion

    James Blundell succsessfully preformed the first human blood transfusion
  • Rene Laennec invents the syringe

    Rene Laennec invents the syringe
    The invention of the syringe is one of the most important inventions in medical history.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Karl Landsteiner classifies blood groups

    Karl Landsteiner classifies blood groups
    Karl Landsteiner was the first to classify blood into A, B, or O
  • Tuberculosis vaccine created

    TB's first successful vaccine was created
  • Penicillin discovered

    Penicillin discovered
    Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
  • Influenza vaccine created

    Influenza's, a very common illness, had its first vaccine created
  • Pneumonia

    Pneumonia finally had a vaccine to drop its lethality rate
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Discovery of the Circadian clock

    The circadian clock is a tiny cluster of nerves behind the eye that controls how the brain regulates the daily rhythms of the body
  • Doctors can accurately predict risk of kidney failure in patients

    Doctors can accurately predict risk of kidney failure in patients
    Andrzej Krolewski found two key markers that, when elevated in the bloodstream, accurately predict the risk of kidney failure in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  • Tumor suppressing gene

    Tumors could now be suppressed thanks to a break through in research can control the speed in which tumors grow
  • Amy Wagers and Richard T. Lee discover a reversing of cardiac hypertrophy

    Amy Wagers and Richard T. Lee discover a reversing of cardiac hypertrophy
    GDF-11 has the ability to reverse the effects of cardiac hypertrophy and can reduce the risk of heartfailure
  • Bio-artificial Replacement limb

    Research for the first bio artificial forelimb able to be transplanted on humans has begun