The revolution of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1301

    The Middle Ages

  • Mar 12, 754


    The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad in the year 754.
  • Oct 25, 900

    Small Pox and Measles

    Small Pox and Measles
    The Persian doctor, name Rhazes, discovered the difference between small pox and measles. Rhazes also helped in the development of medicine as a science.
  • Jun 17, 1250

    Theodoric Borgognoni

    The surgeon Therodoric Borgogni, came up with an antiseptic method. This meant where wounds could be cleaned and then sutured to promote healing. He would also have bandages pre-soaked in wine as a form of disinfectant
  • Jul 22, 1300

    Jacoba Felicie

    Jacoba Felicie
    Jacoba Felicie was a Frenchwomen who was tried for practicing medicine without a license. Women at the time, were not allowed to practice medicine. The judge did not find her in favor, so therefore she was forbidden to practice medicine.
  • Sep 14, 1300


    This product was well known in Italy. Giordano da Pisa was the first person to ever wear eye glasses.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • Sep 21, 1302


    Religion played a major role in healthcare. Christians and Muslims encourage to help those in need, while religion based on Qurán, did not. They thought rich had to provide for the poor and the healthy caring for the sick people. That lead to many Islamic a lot hospitals them had different beliefs in their hospital.
  • Apr 23, 1400

    Regulation of Medical Care

    Physicians were taught by reading books and training with doctors. Surgeons received different training from the Physicians. Physicians were licensed after formal training with experienced doctors. Women were not allowed to participate in practicing medicine.
  • Jul 17, 1439

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Gutenberg develops movable type and mechanical printing to publish books faster.
  • Nov 11, 1501

    Scientific Method

    During the 16th century, the science method came to Europe. It was a major change in the way people thought about medicine and research. It was not common yet to use the scientific method.
  • Microscope

    The microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen. A microscope is a an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or cells, typically magnified several hundred times.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revelation

  • Herbal Medicine

    Herbal Medicine
    A man with dropsy had recovered after drinking a herbal medicine that had been brewed from foxglove.
  • Scurvy

    James Lind was a Scottish naval surgeon who discovered that vitamin deficiency was the cure of scurvy.
  • Edward Jenner

    An English doctor, discovered that milkmaids exposed to cowpox did not get smallpox. He inoculating people with fluid from cowpox blisters, beginning the vaccination.
  • Barber-Surgeons

    Barber-surgeons were medical practitioners who preformed surgery, often on the war wounded. The red and white pole used to identity a barber was intended to reflect the blood and napkins used to clean up during bloodletting.
  • Discoveries

    Modern medical practices was based off of discoveries from the nineteenth century. When function of an organism was made, further discoveries were made.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Alex Fleming

    Alex Fleming discovered the introduction of penicillin. Which in the 1940s, which also began the era antibiotics.
  • Urban Sprawl

    Cities started to expand rapidly, so did health problems. Typhus and cholera, became more common as a result.
  • Modern Telehealth

    Modern Telehealth
    A modern telehealth was one of the earliest and most famous uses that were hospital-based. A telehealth is a modern form of health care delivery. The telehealth is modern based because it has telecommunication systems including wireless communication methods.
  • HIV

    About 100,000 to 300,000 people were diagnosed with HIV before the 1980s. The earliest case known in North America was a 16 year old named Robert Rayford, who never left the Midwest and never received a blood transfusion.
  • Raduim

    Radium was discovered using it for cancer treatment. It was formerly used as a source of radiation for radiotherapy.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Human Genome Discoveries

    Human Genome Discoveries
    For the fisrt time ever, the world could read the complete set of human genetic information. They also began to discover what our roughly 23,000 genes do. .
  • Hybrid Operating Rooms

    Hybrid Operating Rooms
    The first human transcatheter aortic valve replacement in a hybrid operating room was performed in 2002.
  • Heart Disease Deaths

    As of today, there has been a near 40 percent reduction in death due to coronary artery disease since 1998/2000. By 2008, heart disease and stroke was reduced by 25%.
  • Dr. Rafael Grossman

    Dr. Grossman was the first surgeon to use Google Glass while preforming surgery. Dr. Grossman thought that wearing Google glass will help improve the way healthcare providers interact with patients and a patient’s relatives.
  • 3-D-nanopatterned microfluidic chip

    A 3-D-nanopatterned microfluidic chip can successfully detect cancer markers in the tiniest drop of blood or in a component of the blood called plasma.