Medical History

  • 500

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    Concept of the Hospital: They started to introduce the concept of a hospital in the Roman Empire. It was a place where patients could be treated by doctors with access to specialized equipment.
  • 754

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    First Pharmacy: They compounded medications as prescribed and ordered by the physician.
  • 1200

    Middle Ages

    Scientist Ibn Al-Haytham: He came up with an explanation for vision which would be considered the most important research in the field for the next 100 years.
  • 1231

    Middle Ages

    Fredrick II: He promulgated a set of laws concerning medical education standards and licensure.
  • 1290

    Middle Ages

    Eyeglasses: Eyeglasses became popular in Italy because they discovered they made for good vision.
  • 1310


    Surgeon Theodoric Borgognoni: He came up with an antiseptic method of cleaning wounds.
  • 1315


    Mondino De Luzzi: This physician conducted the first public dissection for his students and spectators.
  • 1480


    Cadavers: The first cadavers were dissected, detailed drawings were made to show everything from muscle structure to the heart.
  • 1500


    Cesarean Sections: The first written record of having both a mother and baby survive a cesarean section.
  • 1510


    Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bonbast Von Hophenheim: He discovered that drinking mercury was a cure for deadly diseases.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Edward Jenner: He developed a way to protect people from smallpox by exposing them to the cowpox virus.
  • Industrial Revolution

    James Blundell: He performed the first successful transfusion of human blood.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Anesthetic: First nitrous oxide anesthetic is used for surgery
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Vaccines: First vaccines for chlorea, anthrax, and rabies are performed.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    German Physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen: He discovers x-rays
  • Modern World

    Edward Mallenby: He discovers vitamin D and shows that its absence causes rickets.
  • Modern World

    Vaccine: First vaccine for tuberculosis
  • Modern World

    Bacteriologist Sir Alexander: He discovered Penicillin.
  • Modern World

    Modern World
    Bernard Fantus: He started the first blood bank
  • Modern World

    Modern World
    Paul Zoll: He created the first pacemaker to control irregular heartbeat
  • Modern World

    World Health Organization: They announce smallpox is eradicated.
  • Modern World

    HIV, the virus that causes AIDS is identified.
  • 21st Century

    Mini Liver: The size of a small coin, the first mini liver is generated from human cord blood cells.
  • 21st Century

    21st Century
    Mini Liver: The first mini liver is generated from human cord blood cells
  • 21st Century

    Skin Cells: They discover how to use human skin cells to create embryonic skin cells.
  • 21st Century

    Skin Cells: They discover how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells.
  • 21st Century

    Researchers from Cornell University 3D printed an outer ear that worked like and resembled a real ear.
  • 21st Century

    21st Century
    Second Sight: This company received approval from the US Government to start marketing a bionic eye.
  • 21st Century

    FDA: They approve the first human clinical trials in the United States for a wearable artificial kidney.