Medical History

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 659

    First Tooth FIllings Used in China

  • 754

    First Pharmacy opened in Baghdad

    First Pharmacy opened in Baghdad
  • 1010

    Ibn al-Haytham Creates First Syringe

    Ibn al-Haytham Creates First Syringe
    The syringe was used to extract cataracts from eyes.
  • 1231

    First Universities Teach Medicine

  • 1260

    Theodoric Borgognoni Creates First Antiseptic

    Theodoric Borgognoni Creates First Antiseptic
    He soaked bandages in wine as antiseptics and even soaked rags in opium to make patients unconscious.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1352

    First Depiction of Eyeglasses

    First Depiction of Eyeglasses
    The painting depicts a cardinal writing at his desk.
  • 1377

    First Quarantine Used

  • 1500

    First Successful Cesarean Section

  • 1530

    Girolamo Fracastoro Suggests That Pathogens Come From Outside The Body

    Girolamo Fracastoro Suggests That Pathogens Come From Outside The Body
  • William Harvey is The First To Explain How The Circulatory System Works

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Sir Humphry Davy Creates Nitrous Oxide For Dental Use

  • First Successful Blood Transfusion

  • Cholera Vaccine is Created

  • Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen Invents The First X-ray

    Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen Invents The First X-ray
  • Felix Hoffman Creates Asprin

    Felix Hoffman Creates Asprin
    Then at around the same time he also created a drug called diamorphine for a drug company called Bayer who renamed it heroine.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Elliott Joslin Creates Insulin

  • The Iron Lung Is Created Saving Polio Victims Lives

    The Iron Lung Is Created Saving Polio Victims Lives
  • The First Blood Bank Is Introduced

  • First Successful Kidney Transplant

  • First MRI Scan

    First MRI Scan
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Jack Szostak Helps the Human Genome Project Finish

    Jack Szostak Helps the Human Genome Project Finish
  • The First Amputee Controlled a Robotic Limb With Neural Implants

    The First Amputee Controlled a Robotic Limb With Neural Implants
  • HPV Vaccine is Introduced

  • New Laws Are Introduced To Stop Smoking Indoors

  • Luxturna a Blindness Medication Allows Blind People To See Shapes