Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
Middle Ages
First pharmacy established in Baghdad
Discovered difference between smallpox and measles -
Avicenna writes The Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine -
Medicine becomes illegal without a licence
Islamic hospitals open
healthcare for the sick -
Period: Jan 1, 1501 to
Use of Scientific Method begins
William Harvey
William Harvey publishes An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals which forms the basis for future research on blood vessels, arteries and the heart -
Robert Hooke
reflective microscope invented -
Bacteria is described
Plague flees are discovered
Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner develops the process of vaccination for smallpox, the first vaccine for any disease -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
the stethoscope is invented
James Blundell
James Blundell performs the first successful transfusion of human blood -
William Morton
William Morton, a dentist, is the first to publish the process of using anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide -
1st woman to get medical degree
Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to gain a medical degree from Geneva Medical College in New York -
Karl Landsteiner
Karl Landsteiner introduces the system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O groups -
Period: to
Modern World
Earle Dickson Invented the Band-Aid
Insulin first used to treat diabetes.
First vaccine developed for diphtheria.
Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
The Human Genome Project draft was completed.
Period: to
21st century
Jacques Marescaux
performed the first telesurgery -
First HPV vaccine approved
Laurent Lantieri
performs the first full face transplant. -
The first kidney was grown in vitro in the U.S.