Medical History

  • 900

    smallpox vs measles

    smallpox vs measles
    A Persian Doctor name Rhazes discovered the difference between measles and smallpox by writing in his journal. They used his founding until the 1800 hundreds. His ideals played a role in development medical by building the ideals of hippocates.
  • Period: 900 to 1540

    Middle Ages

  • 1140

    No women Doctors

    There were no Women Doctors who were allowed to practice. A French women named Jacoba Felicie she was caught practice medicine and she went on trial and she had to defend herself and the judge did not find it in your favor and she wasn't allowed to practice medicine anymore.
  • 1300

    Christians and Muslim

    Religion encouraged the healthcare. They taught them social responsibility and rich providing for the poor and caring for the sick. These lesson let to hospitals and most of them had separate ward for different illness they employed trained nurses.
  • 1500

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The invention of the printing press let them to publish books faster that meant that new discovering were spread faster.
  • 1540

    barber surgeons

    barber surgeons
    Barbers didn't just cut hair they also perform surgeon like cataracts and they also service the military they would help hurt veterans.
  • Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    The Scientific Method was a major change in the way people thought about medicine and the research. It was the process of learning new knowledge. Instead of guessing they would look for real causes for diseases.
  • The Sixteenth Century

    The sixteenth century was the most development that brought major changes in the medical flied.
  • Period: to


  • The Microscope

    The Microscope allowed more observation of patience and symptoms. Doctors could explain the disease more and test it. Robert Hooker build one of the first reflecting microscope.
  • Human Anatomy

    Human Anatomy had been forbidden by the church. The church help many beliefs.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    Edward Jenner an English Doctor discovered that milkmaids exposed to cowpox did not get smallpox. They beginning giving people fluid from cowpox these led to vaccinations.
  • licensed Doctors

    licensed Doctors
    Doctors and Physicals had to be licensed. They would have different training Physical would learn by books and doctors would learn with experience. They would be licensed after formal training.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur did experiments that became the basic of modern microbiology.
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph made carbolic soap to disinfect instruments and to wash your hands
  • Robert Koch

    Robert discovered pathogens or disease- producing microorganisms. That is the source of some disease and proved that lister was right
  • Wilhelm Roentgen

    Wilhelm Roentgen
    Wilhelm discovered the x-ray He found that a new ray could pass through the most substance casting shadows of a solid objects.
  • Modern Medicine

    Modern Medicine
    Modern medicine is based on discovering and developments.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • First Organ Transplant

    The Organ transplant are more conman and safer to perform on people.
  • Ultrasounds

    They were first used as clinical purpose. It was invented to detect flaws in ships.
  • CT scan

    CT scan
    Godfrey Hounsfield made the Ct scan it was meant to take photos of the brain to show a brain tumor in a 41 patience. He was the first to combine a x-ray and a computer
  • Virto Fertilization

    Virto Fertilization was invented by Patrick Steptoe who tried it on rabbits they did a embryo transplant on the rabbits.
  • surgeons performed

    surgeon are performed with an intricate computerized equipment.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • vaccines

    The first HPV shop approved by the FFA
  • Genome project

    Genome project
    The Genome project is it will identify about all the genes in your body. It will help making new drugs and treatment.
  • Health records

    Health records
    They made electronics health records they want the family history all on one provider.
  • Tal Dvir

    Tal invented the first ever 3D printed heart. It contains blood vessels which are need to pump blood. He was working on combining biology and technology.