Jan 1, 1553
Blood flow CIrculation
Miguel Serveto describes the circulation of blood through the lungs. He is accused of heresy and burned at the stake -
Circulatory System
William Harvey explains the circulatory system -
Claudius Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy -
William Jenner discovered the cure for smallpox -
Nitrous Oxide
Humphry Davy announces the anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide -
Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch establish the germ theory of disease -
Women Doctor
Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to gain a medical degree -
Tetanus and Diphtheria Vaccines
Emil von Behring discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines -
William Roentgen discovered X-Rays -
Alois Alzheimer identifies the first case of what becomes known as Alzheimer's disease -
Blood Types
Karl Landsteiner discovers the existence of different human blood types -
Isolated Radium
Clara Barton isolated radium -
Hans Christian Jacobaeus performs the first laparoscopy on humans -
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin -
Gerhard Domagk develops a chemotherapeutic cure for streptococcus -
Willem J Kolff build the first dialysis machine -
Kidney Transplant
1954 - Joseph Murray performs the first human kidney transplant (on identical twins) -
LIver Transplant
Thomas Starzl performs the first human liver transplant -
CT Scanner
Sir Godfrey Hounsfield invents the first commercial CT scanner -
Artificial Heart
Artificial Heart - Paul Winchell -
Intracytoplasmic Sperm injection
The first American baby was conceived with the technique At Reproductive Biology Associates in Atlanta, Georgia iunder the direction of Michael Tucker, PhD and Joe Massey, MD -
Carlo Urbani, of Doctors without Borders alerted the World Health Organization to the threat of the SARS virus, triggering the most effective response to an epidemic in history. Urbani succumbs to the disease himself in less than a month. -
FAce Transplant
Michel Dubernard performs the first partial face transplant -
First HPV vaccine approved