Jan 1, 1502
Leonardo Da Vinci
Dissected human bodies and created anatomical drawings. -
Jan 1, 1539
Andreas Vesalius
Dissected ,criminal, human bodies and make anatomical drawings. -
William Harvey
Described the circulation of blood and the pumping of the heart. -
Rene Loennec
Invented the Stethoscope. -
Benjamin Franklin
Invented bifocals and found that colds could be passed from person to person. -
Edward Jenner
created the vaccination for smallpox -
Ignas Smmelweiss
Identified the cause of maternal infections and instituted hand washing. -
Elizabeth Blackwell
First woman to qualify as a doctor in the U.S. Inspired Florence Nightingale to pursue nursing. -
Joseph Lister
Fisrt doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery to prevent in the incision. -
Florence Nightingale
Started the first school of nursing during the Crimean War and made nursing an honorable profession. -
Clara Barton
"Angel of the Battlefield" she establishe teh American Red Cross. -
Period: to
Sigmund Freud
Studied the effects of th unconscious mind on the body. He determined tht the mind and body work together. His studies were the basis of psychology and psychiatry. -
Louis Pasteur
Created rabies vaccine proved that microorganisms caused disease and discovered that heatin milk prevented the growth of bacteria (pasteurization). -
Wilhelm Rontgen
Discovered x-rays, allowed doctors to see inside the body to discover what was wrong with patient. -
Marie Curie
isolated radium -
It is a disease that doctors new little about. The disease spread throughout American and killed about 675,000 people. -
Alexander Fleming
Discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic. -
Jonas Salk
Discovered an altered polio virus vaccine. -
Albert Sabin
Creator of the oral polio vaccine, which was more effective than Salk's vaccine. -
Christian Barnard
Preformed the world's first heart transplant surgery. -
Louise Brown
First test tube baby. -
disease of the human immune system,making the person much more likely to get infections, from other diseases. -
Gene Therapy
Is the insertion of genes into an individual's cells and tissues to treat a disease, and hereditary. -
Tissue Cloning
The process of creating an identical copy of an original. Dolly the sheep.