Jan 1, 1489
Leonardo De vinci
dissects body -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
discovered blood cells -
Developed vaccine for small pox
Rene Laennec
invents the stethoscope -
Elizabeth Blackwell
First woman to qualify as a doctor in the U.S. Inspired Florence Nightangale to pursue nursing. -
Louis Pasteur
identifies germs as cause of disease -
First vaccine developed for cholera
American Red Cross founded
Clara Barton
Founded the American Red Cross -
Vaccine developed by rabies
Discovered x-rays
Felix Hoffman
develops aspirin -
Marie Curie
Isolated radium -
Insulin first used to treat diabetes -
First Vaccine discovered for whooping cough
First vaccine developed for tetanus.
Alexander Fleming
Discovered penicillin -
Jonas Stalk
Developed polio vaccine -
Christian Barnard
Performed first heart surgery. -
Christiaan Barnard
performs first heart transplant -
Robert S. Ledley
invented CAT scans -
Louise Brown
first test tube baby -
Willem J. Kolff
invented the artificial kidney dialysis machine -
first vaccine to target a cause of cancer