Jan 1, 1440
The invention of the printing press
Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first mecury thermometer
Chinese used acupuncture to relieve pain
Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
Edward Jenner found the vaccination for small pox
Edmard Jenner developed a vaccine for small pox
Rene Lethrope invented the sethoscope
Louis Pasteur began pasturizing milk to kill beacteria
Joseph Listerbegan using disinfectants and antiseptics during surgery
Gregory Mendel established the patterns of heredity
Joesph Lister used antiseptics durin surgery
Dorthea Dix became the founder or modern nursing
Rober Koch isolated Bacillus anthracis
Public Heath System Started by government
Clara Barton founded the Red Cross
Robert Koch dicovered the Tuberculosis bacillus
Robert Koch developed the culture plate method
William Roentgen discovered X-rays
Marie Curie isolated radium
The first gene mapping
Sigmond Frued started studing the effects of the unconcious mind
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
Jonas Salk discovered an altered Polio vaccine
Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine
First microsurgery
Christian Barnard preformed the worlds first heart transplant surgery
First test tube baby was discovered
Circulation of blood was discovered bhy William Harvey
Dolly the sheep was the first tissue cloning