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Medical Field During the Influenza Pandemic

  • Influenza Virus Pandemic (1918-2010)

    Influenza Virus Pandemic (1918-2010)
    See image for introduction on the influenza virus pandemic.
  • First Outbreak of Influenza

    First Outbreak of Influenza
    The first outbreak of influenza was detected from flu like symptoms which spread sporadically throughout the world primarily via the military of different countries coming in contact with one another. The virus took everyone by shock and became a killing machine as it reached more and more countries, skyrocketing the number of infections as well.
  • Healthcare vs the Virus

    In regards to healthcare, it seems hopeless as they seek no cure or relief for the disease and are at an all time loss for how to tame the demonic virus. At this point, they take approach with the thought of the virus being bacterial. This means the virus was attempted to be destroyed through antibiotics. Treatment was ineffective due to this approach, and doctors were puzzled why this outbreak was not responding to antibiotics and what they could do to cure it.
  • The Urge for Masks

    The Urge for Masks
    It is seen from this specific newspaper article of the time promotes the urge of mask and gauze use as a way to lessen the spread of the virus. Given that the virus makes people develop a horrific cough and sneeze, it was very contagious to those around given the disease could spread from person to person via the droplets of the infected to the other. Doctors soon figured this out and came up with the solution for all to wear masks as a way of protection from contracting the disease.
  • The Urge for Masks (Continued...)

    The article above provides an insight on what healthcare was like during the time and how the pandemic was being dealt with. It also shows how the usage of masks originated and grew more important within the medical field. Masks play a large role in health and safety and are a necessity in healthcare that can be drawn back to the influenza virus and its discovery of the effective benefits of masks.
  • Influenza Virus Discovery

    The first major medical breakthrough of the influenza virus was in the 1930s when it was discovered that the virus could be classified as viral and not a bacterium as it was previously believed to be. This was a huge progression for the path to immunity given doctors were able to have a much better understanding of the virus and the way it interacts with the body.
  • Influenza Virus Discovery (Continued...)

    Previous to this discovery, it was thought that the virus was bacterial, which means the most effective treatment method was antibiotics, although given it is viral means that it has no response to antibiotics and is therefore ineffective. Instead, a vaccine is necessary to have an effect on the virus. This means from the start of the pandemic and the entire time up until this point of discovery, the treatment methods were doing nothing and no help to fight off the disease.
  • Influenza Virus Discovery Impact on the Medical Field

    This was monumental in the medical field and changed how the virus as a whole was looked at. It also influenced and shaped the further of medicine and how all future diseases were approached and analyzed to result in the most effective treatment.
  • Strive for Vaccination

    Strive for Vaccination
    The strive for vaccination was critical, although it wasn’t until 1940 when the first trial vaccine was finally created. With the knowledge of the virus being viral, doctors were able to understand the virus much better and develop a vaccine that could interact with and limit the virus and its abilities. The vaccine was created by Thomas Francis Jr. and Jonas Salk, and it was an injection of the inactivated virus specific to influenza A.
  • Influenza B Virus Surfaces

    Early 1940s, a new strain of the virus is discovered and feared upon as the virus continues to grow and spread rapidly. This strain is unfamiliar to the public and unaffected by current treatment methods.
  • Mechanical Ventilator Savior

    Mechanical Ventilator Savior
    Another historic event in regards to healthcare through influenza is the creation and use of mechanical ventilators. Given the flu made the simple task of breathing an ultimate struggle, the use of ventilators to provide aided airflow to the infected was an extreme help and life saver in some cases. Mechanical ventilators were a vast advancement in healthcare that have been further improved and used for numerous diseases and injuries that have saved the lives of so many to this day.
  • Further Push For Vaccination

    With the new strain of influenza on a killing spree, it was not until 1942 when a bivalent vaccine was created to target both influenza A and B and serve as protection from both components of the virus.
  • Vaccine Distribution

    1945 marks the year of vaccination as the inactivated influenza virus vaccine is licensed for use in civilians. Medical advancements continue as the vaccination trials become stronger and more effective and knowledge further develops.
  • Vaccine in Action

    Vaccine in Action
    The image shows a physicians assistant receiving vaccination for the influenza virus. At this point the virus has mutated numerous times into new strains that continue to infect more and more humans. Vaccines have been trial and error and there has yet to be an effective vaccine that seeks immunity as the outcome. This was monumental as hope for a cure sparked and the fight continued.
  • Vaccine in Action (Continued...)

    As you can see, the image above shows a shot that is injecting the vaccination, which is much different than a shot received today. This shows how far we have come in medicine today and the technology that has been created based off previous knowledge and discoveries that have been influenced by the influenza pandemic. Without this pandemic which provided a new level of insight on viruses, it is hard to say if healthcare would be as effective as it is today.
  • Nasal Spray Vaccine

    The next major advancement that took place within healthcare was the development and first ever use of nasal spray vaccination. This was a form of vaccination that was ingested via the nose and inserted a live attenuated version of the virus into the body to aid the production of antibodies and therefore immunity. This was a breakthrough in medicine given it had never been done before and this new form of vaccination was seen to be effective and still used to this day.
  • New Strain of Virus Detected

    New Strain of Virus Detected
    In April of 2009, a new strain of the virus called H1N1 was detected in the United States. This strain is the most recent and one you are likely most familiar with. It is what the current flu shot fights against each flu season.
  • Record Breaking Case Numbers

    By June of 2009 it was recorded that over 1 million cases of H1N1 virus had been reported.
  • Vaccination Clinical Trials

    With all the previous knowledge from the past vaccine trials and properties of the virus, new clinical trials began for a vaccine that could put the virus to rest once and for all.
  • Vaccine Approval and Distribution

    Vaccine Approval and Distribution
    After five approved trial vaccines, late December of 2009 marked the date the vaccine was perfected and available for all people. This was monumental as hope grew and the medical field was able to create an effective vaccine that could fight off all aspects of the virus. The light at the end of the dark pandemic tunnel could be seen at this point.
  • The End of Influenza

    August 11th, 2010 marks the official end of the influenza pandemic due to the creation of the vaccine that allowed herd immunity to develop and the end of infection. After over a century long struggle with 500 million infections and 50 million deaths worldwide, influenza was defeated.
  • Influenza Virus Impact on Medical Field

    Although the virus is looked down upon for the brutality it brought, in the long run, a positive impact was seen on healthcare and the medical field. Significant discoveries about the genetic makeup of viruses and approaches to preventing these diseases were found which saved the lives of so many. Vaccines were also perfected and new equipment that is still used to this day was created which derived from this virus. The medical field has influenza to thank for the way it is shaped today.