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Medical Breakthroughs
William Harvey
William Harvey published a book called "An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals'. A mouth-full I know but this book illustrated how the heart pumps the blood in humans and animals, also how the heart works. -
Sir Humphry Davy
Sir Humphry Davy discovered the anesthetic properties of Nitrous Oxide. This, of course, made performing surgery and tooth removal a lot more comfortable than without. -
Rene Laennec
This man has created the stethoscope. This led to doctors being able to diagnos heart palpatations and other heart issues. -
James Blundell
He was the first physician to successfully perform a blood transfusion on a human. -
Charles Babbage
Charles had created the first computer. This led to other mechanical medical equipment. -
Felix Hoffman
Mr. Hoffman had developed asprin. -
Karl Landsteiner
Karl developed the ABO blood typing system that helped people classify blood types and improved surgery successful rate. -
Edward Mellanby
Mellanby discovered that a vitamin D defficiency causes rickets. -
Alexander Fleming
Shortly after world war 1 Alexander created penicillin. This of course led to more antibiotics that followed. -
Paul Zoll
Zoll was the man that developed the first ever cardiac pacemaker.