Medical Advancements Timeline

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 736

    The idea of hospitals were created.

    The idea of hospitals were created.
    In the Arabic world hospitals emerged in the 8th century.
  • 754

    The first pharmacy was established.

    The first pharmacy was established.
    The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad. By the 12th century it was developed in Europe as well.
  • 1231

    The 11 medical standards were created.

    Fredrick II made the medical standards that we still use today.
  • 1278

    The idea of cleaning wounds was established.

    Theordoric Borgognoni came up with the first antiseptic method, where wounds were to be completely cleaned and then sutured. This promoted faster healing.
  • 1289

    Eyeglasses were founded

    It is unknown who invented the eyeglass. By the end of the 13th Century it was well-known in Italy.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1315

    One of the first public dissections of the human anatomy was displayed.

    One of the first public dissections of the human anatomy was displayed.
    Italian physician Mondino de Luzzi conducted the first disection publicly.
  • 1316

    The first official dissection manual was written.

    Mondino de Luzzi wrote "Anathomia corporis humani", and this was considered the first true anatomical text.
  • 1347

    Black Plaque outbreak.

    The Bubonic Plaque, also known as Black Death, became active throughout Asia and Europe killing a 1/3 of their population.
  • 1572

    First description of the Human Circulatory System.

    William Harvey was the first doctor to ever describe how the human circulatory system works.
  • Invention of obstetrical forceps.

    Invention of obstetrical forceps.
    Peter Chamberlen invented this to free a baby from the womb in a difficult labor without hurting the mother or baby.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Chicken Pox was cured for the first time.

    Chicken Pox was cured for the first time.
    A milkmaid brought her son into Edward Jenner's office for a cure. The first test was on an 8 year old, and was proven to work after symptoms completely went away after a few days.
  • The invention of the stethoscope.

    Rene' Leanne came up with the stethoscope and since then its saved countless lives, it has changed the medical field tremendously.
  • World's first blood transfusion.

    British doctor, James Blundell performed the first successful human blood transfusion. But it did not become safe and reliable until 1901.
  • The first public demonstration of ether anesthesia.

    This took place at Massachusetts General Hospital, it is known as one of the greatest medical advancements in surgical technology.
  • The invention of aspirin.

    The invention of aspirin.
    Felix Hoffman decided the already common pain reliever was ineffective. So he decided to make his own out of acetylsalicylic acid. This was later renamed "aspirin."
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Penicillin revolutionizes medicine.

    Penicillin revolutionizes medicine.
    Alexander Fleming created the worlds first antibiotic, making war against deadly bacteria inevitable.
  • A new approach to burn treatment.

    Victims of the Coconut Grove fire were being treated at Boston Massachusetts General Hospital, the physicians came up with a new and better approach.
  • The first successful kidney transplant was completed.

    Dr. Joseph Murray and Dr. David Hume completely the first organ transplant in Boston, USA. This made other transplants such as lung and pancreas accomplished as well.
  • First successful reattachment of a limb.

    Surgical team led by Dr. Ronald Malt at Mass General complete the first ever reattachment by suturing up a severed arm.
  • Stem cells were discovered.

    Stem cells were discovered.
    They later discovered a way to to treat leukemia with this new knowledge. They are actively experimenting ways to use this to treat spinal cord injuries, Parkinson, and Alzheimers.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • New drug to reduce opioid addiction.

    New drug to reduce opioid addiction.
    Probuphine is a newly released drug to help users of opioid painkillers to become dependent from the addictive drugs.
  • Faecal transplants.

    Doctors are taking the good bacteria from a healthy persons facael matter, and using that to transfer to the colon.
  • 3D printed body parts.

    Researchers from Cornell University print an outer ear that works and looks like an actual ear. As well as researchers at Pennsylvania University have made blood vessels using similar processes.
  • Epilepsy is revolutionized.

    The RNS System emits electronic pulses to the brain to stop upcoming seizures that are sensed.
  • Worlds first artificial pancreas.

    Worlds first artificial pancreas.
    Medtronic Minimed 670G measures your blood glucose every 5 minutes by using a needle sensor. This device also transmits insulin through a pump worn on your abdomen.