
Medical Advancements

  • Immunizations

    Edward Jenner is considered the founder of vaccines in 1796. Vaccines work by helping the body prepare to fight the illness. The vaccine usually contains a part of a dead or weakened germ that causes a certain disease. When injected the body practices by fighting the disease by making antibodies that notice the germ. This is important for all of us because if we protect our selves then we also protect others.
  • NanoMedicine

    The possibility of nanomedicine has been around since 1969 by Richard Feynman. This is basically s type of medicine that has the knowledge and tools of nanotechnology to prevent and treat the disease. There are many different types of this medicine. This would be good for patients and healthcare because it will target what it is supposed to target. For example, there could be a type of medicine that would target cancer cells.
  • Artificial Heart

    Artificial Heart
    Dr. Robert Jarvik is referred as the inventor of the artificial heart. Documents from the United States Patent Office reveal that Paul Winchell filed a patent and it was granted. An artificial heart works by working like a normal heart basically. This heart is either powered by compressed air or electricity. This would really benefit healthcare, because the number of patients suffering from a heart disease is increasing and will benefit both patient and doctor to get a heart transplant quicker.
  • Gene Editing

    Gene Editing
     In 1973, the first genetically engineered organism was a bacteria with an added gene for antibiotic resistance. This was done by Herb Boyer and Stanley Cohen. The definition of gene editing is basically deleting, replacing, or inserting genetic material into a DNA sequence. This is very controversial. Many people believe it is unethical and others believe that is should be used. On a medical perspective it is groundbreaking and could change healthcare.
  • Robotic Surgery

    Robotic Surgery
    Robotic Surgery is a surgery that let doctors have more flexibility and control when operating on a patient. This is also minimal invasive surgery. It basically means smaller incisions on the patient. About 25 years ago the first robot was used in surgery. Robotic surgery with another device called the da Vinci Surgical System was approved by the FDA in 2000. This is good for both healthcare and patients, there are fewer complications, less pain, quicker recovery rate, and smaller scars.
  • Hepatitis C Cure

    Hepatitis C Cure
    Michael Sofia is an industry scientist that invented this. These drugs work by boosting the immune system so the immune system could kill the virus on its own. The goal was to get it out of your body. This is also something that could benefit healthcare and save many lives.
  • Bionic Prosthetics

    Bionic Prosthetics
    The first bionic prosthetic was given in 1993. It was created by five bio-engineers and was led by Dr. David Gow in Margaret Rose Hospital in Edinburgh, UK. Bionic Prosthetics allows you to regain functions you have lost. how it works? when you contract muscles, there will be an electrical sensor placed over it which allows it to detect contractions. These will help amputated patients gain what they had lost. It also allows them to feel more alive with more control over their prosthetic.
  • HIV Cocktail

    HIV Cocktail
    HIV cocktails which was discovered by David Ho and his colleagues discovered that treating HIV with multiple antiretroviral drugs would keep the virus in check. This is a type of therapy that is highly active. This would prevent the virus from producing and reduce it, improve survival, and reduce transmission. This basically changed HIV treatment giving hope for people who are suffering from it and just improving their quality of life.
  • Health Tracker Apps

    Health Tracker Apps
    We all have health tracker apps inside our phones or watches. These apps have different creators and developers do it all depends on which one you prefer. The Health app on the IPhone was announced in 2014. Health tracking apps help keep track of your health, how active you are, calories burned, and your progress. These apps are changing the way health services along with information are being accessed.
  • Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatments

    Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatments
    Immunotherapy for cancer treatments was invented by Robert Coffin. One of the agents was approved to use on October 27, 2015 This is a biologic therapy that is a type of cancer treatment which boosts the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer. This type of therapy uses substances made from the body or laboratory to improve/restore the immune system. This could benefit the patients lives by wither stopping or slowing down the growth of the cancer cells.