Medical Advancements

  • Royal College of Surgeons is founded

    Royal College of Surgeons is founded
    In 1540, Henry VIII of England formed the Company of Barber-Surgeons. In 1745 the Surgeons broke away from the Barbers to form their own group. In 1800 the Surgeons were granted a charter and became the Royal College of Surgeons. They are known for their dedciation to excellence in surgeory and training surgeons in Commonwealth Nations.
  • Sir Humphrey Davy announces the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide

  • German pharmacist F.W.A. Serturner isolates morphine

    German pharmacist F.W.A. Serturner isolates morphine
    F.W.A was the first to isolate morphine from opium. It was first called "morphium" after the Greek God of dreams. Morphine later became more widely used in 1815.
  • Charles Bell published idea of new anatomy of the brain

    Charles Bell published idea of new anatomy of the brain
    Bell discovers different functions of the nerves corresponding with their relations to different parts of the brain.
  • Physician Rene Laennec of France invents the stethoscope

    Physician Rene Laennec of France invents the stethoscope
    Physician Laennec was examining a young female and didn't want to place his ear to her chest which then was standard procedure. So instead of making it an uncomfortable situation, he rolled 24 sheets of paper together and placed one end at his ear and the other at the woman's chest. This not only worked but the heart and lungs could be loudly and clearly heard.
  • British obstetrician, James Blundell performs the 1st successful human blood transfusion

  • The Medical College of South Carolina is founded in Charleston

    The Medical College of South Carolina is founded in Charleston
    MUSC was the tenth medical school in the U.S. but the first in the south.
  • The forerunner of the ophthalmoscope was created by Dr. E.G. Loring of Baltimore

    The forerunner of the ophthalmoscope was created by Dr. E.G. Loring of Baltimore
    The opthalmoscope had sixteen lenses mounted on a rotating disk.
  • Homeopathy works it's way to America

    Homeopathy works it's way to America
    Homeopathy includes exercise, nutrition, minimal to no medicine and personal relationships. This was a belief that by improving all of those, the human body can then heal itself.
  • Chloroform is introduced into medical practice 1831

    Chloroform is introduced into medical practice 1831
    The American chemist Dr. Samuel Guthrie combined whiskey with chlorinated lime, attempting to create a pesticide. Chloroform was known for it's quick effects on the central nervous system.
  • Dorothea Dix observes mentally ill patients in Massachusetts

    Dorothea Dix observes mentally ill patients in Massachusetts
    Dorothea's efforts made a huge impact on legislator's decisions for funding the treatment of the mentally ill.
  • Crawford W. Long, an American physician, produces surgical anesthesia using ether.

    Crawford W. Long, an American physician, produces surgical anesthesia using ether.
    Long used ether for the first time on March 30, 1842 to remove a tumor from the neck of a patient
  • Oliver Wendell Holmes publishes The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever

    Oliver Wendell Holmes publishes The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever
    The essay on Puerperal Fever was issued in The New England Quarterly Journal of Medicine and listed eight steps on how to prevent the spread of infection.
  • American Dentist, Horace Wells, uses nitrous oxide as an anesthetic.

    American Dentist, Horace Wells, uses nitrous oxide as an anesthetic.
    Union Hall in Hartford was having a demonstration of laughing gas when Wells noticed a man while using laughing gas injured himself during the demonstration and didn't notice. He then tested the nitrous oxide out himself and discovered a new anesthetic.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to enter medical school at Geneva (New York) Medical College.

    Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to enter medical school at Geneva (New York) Medical College.
    Blackwell was the first woman to graduate medical school, her sister Emily was the third woman to attain a medical degree.