A timeline that will show my exposure to traditional and new media

  • Television

    I started watching television out of boredom when I was about 5 years old. It was my beloved grandmother, who loves watching teleseryes and news, that influenced me. Television can give you accurate or false information depending on what type of show you're watching.
  • Computer

    It was my dad who exposed me, at an early age of 6, about computers. I was then exposed to games which honed my critical thinking and decision-making skills because of their high thinking standard. I was also exposed to internet which gave me vast knowledge about random stuff, and later connecting me with different websites..
  • Textbooks

    At an early age of 6, I was taught how to read and write with the use of textbooks(and of course, writing utensils like pencils). I remember the hardships I've undergone just to perfect a letter haha. Textbooks comes in different levels and contents, in which all are helpful.
  • Cellular Phone

    Cellular Phone
    I was in 3rd grade, about 8 years old, when I learned about cellphones. I practically begged my mom to give me one just so that I can join the fad of playing games, and communicate with my friends. I miss those times, where texting my classmates to ask them about our homework or if there's a class suspension is thrilling and nerve-wracking haha.
  • YouTube

    It was in the middle of my 3rd grade, about to turn 9 y/o, when I learned about YouTube. I was exposed in YT because of Internet. It gave me lots of ideas, and information wether accurate, or not which I used to socialize with my friends more. YouTube can be accessed through Mobile devices and Computers.
  • Magazine

    Christmas comes and a kid wishes for a toy. It was my 9 year old self, wishing for a psp. I saw a magazine from Toy Kingdom and brushed through the pages, filled with excitement and thrill. I learned that magazines showcases different products and/or people that has the similarity of what the magazine is all about.
  • Facebook

    It was when I was at 4th grade, about to turn 10 years old, when I learned about facebook. My friends and classmates are talking about how they can communicate faster through the use of internet, with more precision, and more ways to express theirselves. I personally like how you can insert emojis rather than typing out the traditional emoticons.
  • Letter using pen and paper

    Letter using pen and paper
    I learned how to draw at age 4 and learned how to write at age 5. I learned how to make letters at age 10. It allowed me to convey messages and/or feelings to the recipient. I made letters for my mom, grandmom, tita, and tito whenever it's their birthday back in the day. I also tried sending a love letter but failed due to my lack of grammatical accuracy and depth at vocabulary. I also hate my penmanship because it's almost unreadable, but later found that thinner pens makes my writings better.
  • Newspaper

    It was just needed as an example when we were tackling its parts on our lesson about Newspapers, but it caught my interest. I was 10 years old when I thought that it's a hassle to buy one just for a day's lesson, but It made a big impact on me. I was an internet kid you see, so I was amazed on how a newspaper's compositon showed complexity. Every part of it showed intricacy which made me enjoy reading articles. I'm also interested about editorial works and analyzes them without bias.
  • Radio

    I was 8 years old when I first saw a radio. I never really saw its worth because at the time, technology advancement began to further. But I learned to enjoy it anyway because of electrical outages whenever there're strong typhoons or a storm. Radio didn't only kept me entertained by their good choice of songs and funny talks, but also kept me updated in real-time whenever there're calamities.
  • Images

    Ever since I was a kid, I was inclined at taking photographs. The reason being, I wanted to capture the emotions that are being expressed, and preserve it. It's pure art. So when I finished my primary education(12 years old), I dedicated myself into the world of photography through self-studying and appreciating of other's works. Images can be taken through Cameras and Phones, and be accessed to various websites and technological tools. It can also be printed, making it tangible.
  • Gags

    I was exposed on Gags since I was 13, when I was a 1st year highschool student. It taught me about sarcasm, metaphorical thoughts, logic, and above all--appreciation. It also keeps me updated about the latest trends and topics. 9Gag can be accessed in Computers and Phones through the use of internet.
  • Electronic Mail

    Electronic Mail
    I was 13 years old when we were required to have our own gmail accounts. It was then that I learned how to make an electronic mail and it's advantages. Electronic mails, unlike your paper mail, doesn't consume paper(lol). You can also attach media files other than photos, like videos or .mp3 files. But, it also has it's disadvantages. Internet can encounter problems like, your mail not reaching the recipient or may also be read by hackers. It's a matter of security, and stability.