Media Exposure Timeline

  • Radio, 2006

    Radio, 2006
    When I was grade one I already exposed to the radio for different purposes. I used it for listening news and sometimes for entertainment because radio has a program like drama episodes and soundtrack.
  • Television, 2008

    Television, 2008
    That year is the start of my exposure to television. I always watching Pieta to my neighbor's house from Monday afternoon until Friday.
  • Cellphone, 2009

    Cellphone, 2009
    When I was grade 4 I already have a cellphone. I am amazed to cellphone that time. I used it for texting to someone I like. Nokia 3310 is popular that time.
  • Computer, 2009

    Computer, 2009
    We have a computer class that time, once a week we have a class. My teacher oriented us on how to use computer properly.
  • Facebook, 2010

    Facebook, 2010
    Since I am already oriented on how to use computer. I tried to rent in the computer shop to explore more. My classmate taught me to create an account to Facebook.
  • Gmail, 2014

    Gmail, 2014
    Year 2014, I'm using gmail. It is the primary needed to verify my account from different gaming account like DOTA 2, special force. When I was a junior high school I'm addicted to computer games.
  • Instagram&Twitter, 2015

    Instagram&Twitter, 2015
    I created my first account in Instagram and Twitter because of my exploration in the virtual world. I've learned a lot using that social media.
  • Youtube, 2015

    Youtube, 2015
    I always watching different videos especially the highlights of PBA games and sometimes the broadcasting of news online through youtube.