Period: to
Media Coursework
Sent out our first SurveyMonkey
We sent out a survey monkey asking the target audience about their favourite music and about what they would like to see in a Music Promotion. -
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Digipak First Draft
This is our first draft, we asked our target audience and classmates for feedback and what to improve on the digipak. The feedback which we recieved was that our photos are mainly scenery and more photos of the artist would be better. Also that the collage doesn't have many photos in it. Furthermore we are missing most of the general codes and conventions of a digipak which will need to be added into the draft so that it can be more professional. -
Poster First Draft
This is our first draft poster, we gathered feedback for it from various students and teachers, From this we were able to amend our work to make sure that the standards were met. -
Digipak Second Draft
This is our second draft digipak. Following the feedback we had recieved from our first draft we amended the issues and asked some of our target audience to give us reviews on the second version. Our feedback told us to get rid of the CD print and to leave it a blank colour. Also we were told that more photos of the artist are required rather than scenery. -
Poster Second Draft
This is our second draft poster, we amended the codes and conventions of the poster to meet the feedback we acquired. We then asked the same people to view our second draft and they gave us further feedback such as lightening the colour scheme so that the poster is better at catching the audiences attention as well as changing the size and font of the artist's name so that it fits in better with the colour scheme and with the overall feel and genre of the poster. -
Peer to Peer Marking Activity
We took part in a peer to peer marking activity in which we attained feedback about our products and our blog as a whole, including improvements to be made and what our strengths are. Some of the feedback which we gathered was that we had to involve more group organisation on the blog as well as some audience research added. They told us that the video seemed overexposed in sections as well as rewording the overlaying text messages. -
Peer to Peer Marking Activity
We were also told that our video needed the name of the artist at the start of the video along with the song name. The poster feedback told us that we needed to make the text more readable by changing fonts and sizes. We have also been told to turn the poster effect for the back image down as it is too strong. For the digipak we have been told to match it to the poster better. To do this we have to match the colour schemes as well as fonts. -
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Peer to Peer Marking
Poster Final Draft
This is our final draft for the poster, this piece has changed from the second draft as we have changed the name and the posters colour so that it fits what the audience wish for. -
Digipak Final Draft
This is our digipak final draft, to come to this final piece we have added in a barcode which is a general code and convention of a digipak. We have also greyed out the CD so that it fits the look of the digipak more and so that it doesnt look misplaced.