Media coursework Deadline

  • Deadline for coursework proposal

    By this date my media coursework proposal must have been posted on my blog and filled out on the checklist provide, so that Mrs Kerr would be aware of what I am planning to do.
  • Research Deadline

    All the reasearch for the media coursework must be completed by this date.
  • Planning Deadline

    Deadline for plan, all planning made for the media coursework must complete and on blog. You can still add to your plan as you go along, but initial plan must be complete and on blog.
  • Construction - Draft of Main Piece

  • Construction - Draft Ancillary piece of Media Coursework

  • Update blog

    Update blog with all work complete so far for media coursework must be on blog and saved on the P drive.
  • Draft Evaluation - Media coursework

    on blog or on user area
  • Blog Update

    draft deadline
  • Deadline

    deadline for everything!!!

    All work must be completed by this date. If work is produced after this date it will NOT BE MARKED!!!