Media and Information Literacy Timeline (from Milion, the Media and Information Literacy Observatory)
By mediamilion
Declaración de Grünwald
http://www.mediamilion.com/1982/05/declaracion-de-grunwald-1982/?lang=enThe UNESCO International Congress on Media Education in Germany in 1982 released the Grünwald Declaration on Media Education, ratified by the 19 participating countries, which was the origin of this development. The Grünwald Declaration was the first to state the need for education and political systems to promote a critical understanding and awareness among citizens regarding the media. -
Toulouse Colloquy
http://www.mediamilion.com/1990/05/coloquio-de-toulouse-1990-2/?lang=enThe Toulouse Colloquy “New Directions in Media Education” held in July 1990, organized by Unesco, the British Film Institute (BFI) and the CLEMI (Centre de Liaison of L’Enseignement et des Moyen d’Information), France, sets out the urgent need for digital literacy, not as a luxury but as a right of citizens. -
MEDIA Programme
http://www.mediamilion.com/1991/05/media-programme/?lang=enThe MEDIA programme (Mesures pour Encourager le Développement de l’Industrie Audiovisuelle), highlights the importance of media literact and film education initiatives, in particular those organised by festivals for youn audiences in cooperation with schools. -
Safer Internet Programme
http://www.mediamilion.com/1999/05/safer-internet-programme-2/?lang=enThe permanent Safer Internet Programme, led by the European Commission (EC), was the first step in protection politics. The programme was created in 1999 to empower parents, teachers and children with Internet security tools. However, it also covers other media, such as videos. -
Congress in Vienna “Educating for the Media and the Digital Age"
http://www.mediamilion.com/1999/04/conferencia-de-viena-âeducando-para-la-era-digitalâ-1999-2/?lang=enRepresentatives from 33 countries attended the Congress in Vienna, titled “Educating for the media and the digital age” for establish the basis for the action in UNESCO’s Member States through UNESCO’s programme in media education and the creation of media space for young people. -
“Youth Media Education Seminar in Seville”
http://www.mediamilion.com/2002/05/seminario-de-sevilla-educacion-en-medios-para-jovenes-2002-2/?lang=enIn 2002, UNESCO held the “Youth Media Education Seminar in Seville”, which reaffirmed the creative and critical component of media literacy, highlighting how media education should be included in both formal and informal education at both the individual and community level. -
The Alexandria Proclamation
http://www.mediamilion.com/2005/11/the-alexandria-proclamation-2005/?lang=enCelebrating the confirmation of one of the ancient wonders of the word, the Pharos of Alexandria, the participants in the High Level Colloquium on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning proclaim, in 2005, that information literacy and lifelong learning are the beacons of the Information Society, illuminating the development. -
The Media Literacy Expert Group
http://www.mediamilion.com/2011/05/the-media-literacy-expert-group-2006/?lang=enThe Media Literacy Expert Group was set up in 2006 with the aim of analysing and defining media literacy objectives and trends of highlighting and promoting good practices at European level and proposing actios in the fiels. The group was composed of European media literacy experts (including academics and media professionals). -
Public Media Literacy Consultation
http://www.mediamilion.com/2011/05/public-media-literacy-consultation-2006/?lang=enThe European Commission launched a Public Consultation (Making sense of today’s media content) in order to know the view of industry, education institutions, content providers and producers, as well as research and cultural institutions, regulators and citizens’ and consumer’ associations, about media literacy. -
Audiovisual Media Services Directive
http://www.mediamilion.com/2007/12/audiovisual-media-services-directive-2007/?lang=enIn late 2007, the Directive on Audiovisual Communication Services (AVMSD) -whose antecedent is the Television Without Frontiers directive (TWF)- was promulgated. The new Directive becomes one of the main instruments of Media Literacy in Europe, because it establishes, in the article 26, the obligation of Member States of the European Union to present a report on Media literacy levels in 2011.