Common radio year 2004, My father teach me how to use it -
It's a big tv and more heavier than flat screen tv and I remember the only channel we have in that tv is abs-cbn -
Brick Game
A light weight device that needs a battery, And My favorite game during that time and I remember this is the reason why me and my cousin get close to each other. -
Game boy
The games in game boy are interchangeable and I can plug in a stereo headphones in it, for me it is the upgraded brick game. -
PS 1
This the old version of PS 4, i play it with my elder sister in our house -
This is my father's cellphone since 2006 but only on 2009 I use it and operate it and the only game on it is bounce. -
DVD Player
You can play music or movie here that are in CD or DVD, my father teach me how to use it -
The first touch screen i use, it has games that are challenging to play -
My eleder sister use it for her project but i use it for games only and it has a big storage -
The first time i use it is in facebook, you have to pay for it or you need to load to use it -
Flat screen TV
My mother bought this because our old tv is not working properly anymore, The graphics of this tv is super great -
This is better than laptop cause it has a good ram and the first time I use it is in the computer shop -
Smart phone
My first smart phone my mom bought me this so I can use it as a dictionary in school and to easily communicate with her -
Microsoft word
When I'm in grade 9 our teacher told us to encode our work and I use Microsoft word 2010 it's not so hard to use if you know the basics of it -
Smart watch
I don't have this but my elder sister do so sometimes I borrow it and use it as a music player