Before 1700s, community care was popular; didn't define mental illness/disorders as medical issues
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Asylums emerged; decreased community care
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Rise of free air movement; humanized mentally ill asylum patients
founded AMSAII (aka APA)
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Positivism emerged; helped doctors gain prestige
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Mental illness/disorder became considered a medical condition
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Doctors didn't have prestigious or wealthy status like now; doctors didn't require MD
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Vast influx of immigrants; exclusion from Amer. society
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Doctors rise to sovereignty; lasted until 1950s
"psychiatry" term created
Harold Lulensky observed professionalism
Hadley Cantril wrote "Invasion from Mars"
Med. soc. emerged after WWII
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People began questioning medicine's role in society
Arose advent of drugs = treatment for mental/personality disorders
thorazine marketed
Doctors begin losing prestigious power, indicating tremendous change
Talcott Parsons wrote "The Social Systems"
Anti-psychiatry movement emerged
Rise of consumerism, corporate medicine, medical malpractice litigation; viewed health care a right
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Began discussing health issues and policies; insurance gained popularity
Thomas Kuhn wrote "Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
passed first gov't-sponsored insurance: Medicare, Medicaid, & group-health insurance
Ralph Nader wrote "Unsafe at any Speed", initiating consumerism
modified US immigration laws to allow entrance of immigrants from any country; increased amt of foreign doctors
85% of people had healthcare insurance
More interest in medical sociology & epidemiology
Paul Starr wrote "Social Transformation of American Medicine"