Med Invest 1 block 2

By larisag
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 8, 932

    Symptoms of smallpox

    Symptoms of smallpox
    The first description of the symptoms of smallpox were recorded by the Rhazes, they lived from 860-932 A.D
  • Sep 11, 1200

    Herbal Remedy

    Herbal Remedy
    Herbal Remedies were used to treat illnesses. A mother would hand down remedies to their daughters. During The Black Death doctors would stick herbs into their beaks.
  • Sep 13, 1200

    Medical Books

    Many medical books and documents were translated from Arabic. The Middle East had better knowledge of medicine than Europe
  • Sep 11, 1248


    Medieval doctors had little knowledge about basic medicine. They tried treating their patients by balancing the fluids in the body. They would examine their blood, urine, and stools.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Sep 12, 1423


    Hospitals were built early as 1423, The City of Venice made the island Santa Maria Di Nazaret into a hospital for isolating contagious patients from the population.
  • Sep 13, 1540


    A group of British surgeons joined together with barbers to form the company of barber-surgeons livery group.
  • Sep 12, 1564

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Andreas Vesalius dissected human bodies ans made detailed drawings from the muscle structure to the heart. This increased the knowledge of human anatomy.
  • Dying dogs

    Outbreak on studying dying dogs, discovered that blood circulated around the body. This changed medical practice that shows that the harmful practice for bloodletting.
  • Church against medicine

    Church against medicine
    Due to the Protestant Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church. The church was in charge of doctors and their work, keeping them from doing human dissections. They opposed to anything that was against The Bible
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Vaccination of small pox

    Edward Jenner experimented with chicken pox before. He first used his vaccination on a little boy who was sick with chicken pox.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Louis Pasteur was the first to discover that germs were carriers of disease. He was a french chemist and microbiologist. He's known for this breakthroughs in the purposes and preventions of maladies.
  • Use of Chlroloform

    James Simpson, professor at Edinburgh University begin using chloroform for operations. It helped women during childbirth
  • Sanitation

    Rubber gloves were first used in surgery in 1890
  • Typhoid Vaccination

    The first vaccination of typhoid was created by Almroth Wright.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Treat Syphilis

    Discovered salvarsan, a drug use to treat syphilis.
  • Insulin

    Insulin was first used to treat a patient in 1922.
  • Chemotherapy

    First effective cancer chemotherapy drug, nitrogen mustard,they discovered that the blood of soldiers who had been exposed to nitrogen mustard had low levels of white cells.
  • CAT scans

    CAT scans
    CAT, Computerized Axial Scanning was first introduced.
  • Ebola

    Outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. A rare and deadly diease caused by infection with a Ebola virus specie.
  • Humourism

    Humourism is believed that body fluids is driven to good human health.You must have those in balance to keep a good health. Humours were linked to seasons,organs, temper and elements.