Med Europe Time Line

  • 400

    A germanic Tribe called the Franks settled in the area that is now France

  • 400

    Roman's had pulled out of England

  • 500

    King Clovis becomes Cathlic

  • Jan 1, 700

    mayors were giving out land, settling disputes, and fighting their own wars

  • Jan 1, 711

    A Muslum army from North Africa conquered Spain

  • Jan 1, 732

    Charles Martel led the Franks against the Muslims

  • Period: Jan 1, 742 to

    Charlemange's life spand

  • Jan 1, 1100

    Most people in western europe are cathlic

  • Charlemange is crowned pope

  • Raiding of the Lidisfarne Monastary

    Raiding of the Lidisfarne Monastary
    793 was the start of the Vikings. The Vikings were very inportant to Medival Europe. One of the places they went to was to Lindisfarne. Lindisfarne is a tidal island off the north-east coast of England. The Vikings raided the monastery in Lindisfarn for coins, artifacts, and slaves.
  • Charles kingdom had grown into an empire

  • Period: to

    King Alfred's Life Spand

    He lived about 50 years.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1100

    Viking Aira

    The Viking Aira was the time of the Vikings. There are many legands and myths about the Vikings but not all of them are true.