they believed if you take out a piece of the bone you would be relived of headaches -
eye surgery with a needle
they pushed a large needle to the back of your eye to push out the cornea -
Persian doctor who discovered difference between small pokes and weasels -
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299
Middle ages
Jan 1, 1000
Urine as medicine
they believed if you got wounded you should wash it in urine -
Jan 1, 1300
A sugary where you take a piece of skin from your cheek and put it on your nose or some where else on the body but after 2 months you come back and get the extra skin cut off. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Sep 8, 1347
Plague was a super deadly disease that killed almost 90% of the population dying -
Jan 1, 1348
Renaissance Doctor
They put flowers into the beak of the mask because they believed back then that bad smells gets you sick -
Apr 2, 1489
Andreas Vesalius and Leonardo Da Vinci
Were the first two people to dissect a human body and made anatomical drawings to help understand how the organs work -
William Harvey
Created a theory that the heart acts as if it's a pump -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Period: to
Modern world
Blood letting
Where you let your blood out because you believe that bad blood is in your system so you let some out