Med 1 Block 7

  • 130 BCE


    Birth of Galen. Galen was a physician to the gladiators and a private physician to some emperors. he published about 500 treatises and is to this day respected for his contributions to anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology.
  • 460


    Hippocrates was born. He was a Greek Physician and was thought as of the father of medicine. He based his medicine on observations and deductive reasoning.
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299

    Middle Ages

  • Aug 31, 754

    First Pharmacy

    First Pharmacy
    In the year 754 the first pharmacy was established in 754.
  • Sep 2, 800

    Medical Compendium

    Shushruta a medical theoretician and practitioner, wrote a compendium called Shushruta-Samahita. The compendium had descriptions of sacrifice, excision, extraction, suturing, and even plastic surgery.
  • Aug 31, 900


    Discovered difference between smallpox and measles
  • Sep 2, 1084

    First Hospital

    The first documented hospital was in England Canterbury.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Sep 1, 1315

    Anatomy and Dissection

    There is a great deal of evidence that medieval physicians were conducting experiments and examining the the anatomy of the human body. An Italian physician Mondino de Luzzi even conducted a public dissection for his students and spectators.
  • Sep 2, 1377


    The concept of quarantine came around the after math of the Black Death. They had to separate groups of people so that the disease wouldn't spread.
  • Sep 7, 1518

    College of Physicians

    College of Physicians was founded. It is now known as the Royal Collage of Physicians of London. It is for a British professional body of doctors for general medicine and subspecialties.
  • Sep 7, 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius publishes De Fabrica Corporis Humanis. This corrects some medical Greek errors and revolutionizes European medicine.
  • Dutch Lens Grinder Zacharius Jannssen

    Dutch Lens Grinder Zacharius Jannssen
    Dutch Lens Grinder Zacharius Jannssen invents the microscope. This is important because in most cases doctors, nurses, etc. have to examine blood or saliva with a microscope do diagnose what is wrong with the patient.
  • An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals

    An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals
    William Harvey publishes An Anatomical study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals. The book describes how the heart pumps blood to the whole body and then returns back to the heart.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Giacomo Fabrici

    Giacomo Fabrici gives the first small pox inoculations (vaccination) in Europe. Small Pox was a contagious viral disease, you would have fever and pustules usually leaving scars.
  • Claudius Aymand

    Claudius Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy. That is when you remove the appendix if it is inflamed and is about to burst or when it already has.
  • Scurvy

    It is discovered by James Lind that citrus fruits prevent Scurvy. Scurvy is a deficiency of vitamin C, it can cause the gums to bleed, and can open previously healed wounds.
  • Humphry Davis

    It is discovered by Humphry Davis that nitrous oxide has anesthetic properties. This is important because they put people under anesthesia to preform important surgeries.
  • Stethoscope

    Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope. A Stethoscope is used by doctors to hear breathing or listen to the heart. This is how the Stethoscope looked when it was first invented.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Blood Types

    Blood Types
    The discovery that there was different types of human blood types was made by Karl Landsteiner.This is important because if someone needs surgery they also need the same blood type,if not blood clots will form throughout the body. Possibly causing death.
  • Alzheimer's

    The first case of what is now identified as Alzheimer's disease was discovered by Alois Alzheimer. This is important because Alzheimer causes memory loss and is incurable.
  • Tuberculosis Vaccine

    The First Vaccine for Tuberculosis exists. This is important because Tuberculosis cause fever, fatigue, and it mainly affects the lungs.
  • Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillin. This is important because penicillin is an antibiotic, it is used to treat infections.
  • Small Pox Last Round

    The last fatal case of small pox occurred in 1978. This is important because it means that the vaccines were working.