Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299
Middle Ages
Sep 6, 900
Persian Doctor who discovered difference between measles and small pox -
Jan 1, 1200
The doctors during the Middle Ages were usually the priests or a religious scholar. -
Jan 1, 1238
Big trouble having surgery done with open wounds, skin tears, and amputations. Sanitation was done by cleaning the instruments with wine to prevent infections. -
Jan 1, 1247
God and Medicine
Sickness was believed to be a punishment from god. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Jan 1, 1399
He discovered that drinking mercury was a cure for deadly diseases. He believed that god created remedy. -
Jan 1, 1400
Leonardo Da Vinci
He dissected human bodies and then drew very detailed for a better knowledge of the human anatomy. -
Jan 1, 1405
New Cures in the Renaissance
They had better observation going on. They began to add more herbs and chemicals to the natural herbs in order to cure the ill quicker. -
Jan 1, 1410
New Diseases during the Renaissance
More infections diseases began coming along. For example, Silicosis, tuberculosis, and Syphilis -
Jan 1, 1423
Renaissance Hospitals
The hospitals new technique was to begin isolating the contagious patients so that they could prevent having the other patients with more infections and or bacteria that they could have. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Anesthetic during the Industrial Revolution
It helped alleve the pain to millions but jealously to the discoverers. -
First Vaccination
Edward Jenner cured a little 8 year old boy of chicken box. He gave him the first ever vaccination. -
Edward Jenner
He was the first to test the vaccinate a chickenpox patient. -
Surgery Imporvements
Many surgeon job were appearing, the new improvement was to inhale and it helped with pain. -
Louis Pasteur
proved that the microorganisms were caused by disease. -
Period: to
Modern World
Charles Drew
Surgeon, with the method of storing blood plasma for blood transfusion and blood banks. -
Electric Asprin
A pill to help prevent migranes and cluster headaches. Helping the SPG singles to prevent headaches. -
3-D Printing
A printing machine that prints human organs, and human tissues with detail. -
Needle Free Diabetes care
Ahmed H. Zewail
Inventor of the rapid laser technique, it helps atoms during chemical reactors.