Med. 1 Block 6

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 6, 900


    Persian doctor who discovered the difference between measles and small pox.
  • Sep 7, 910

    Small Pox

    The discovery of the small pox
  • Sep 7, 1000


    People who performed surgeries were now paid and was considered a profession
  • Sep 7, 1030

    Influential Encyclopedia

    An encyclopedia that summarized the medical traits of the Greek, Indian, and Muslim
  • Sep 7, 1200


  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Sep 7, 1300

    Concave lens spectacles

    used to treat myopia
  • Sep 7, 1330


    Deadly disease
  • Sep 7, 1423

    Island of Santa Nazaret turned into a hospital

  • Sep 7, 1510

    Ambroise pare

    Ambroise pare
    surgeon who pioneered the treatment of gunshot wounds
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    Dutch scientist who improved the microscope and discovered blood cells
  • Period: to

    Industrial Evolution

  • James Lind

    James Lind
    Naval surgeon who discovered that citrus fruits prevent scurvy.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell

    Elizabeth Blackwell
    The first woman to receive a medical degree
  • First vaccine for cholera

  • First vaccine for rabies

  • First vaccine for plague

  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Dr. Paul Dudley White

    Dr. Paul Dudley White
    Became Americas first cardiologist
  • Dr. Joseph E. Murray

    Dr. Joseph E. Murray
    Performs the first kidney transplant between twins
  • First test-tube baby

  • First mammal cloned form an adult cell

  • Scientist discover how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells