Med 1 Block 5

  • 200

    Pagan and Folk Medecine

  • 300

    Temple Healing

    Greek civilizations used incantations and chanting to heal their sickly.
  • 460


    A Greek physician Hippocrates used vinegar and wine to dress wounds, to act to as an antiseptic.
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299

    Middle Ages

  • Jan 2, 865


    Al-Razi was the first doctor ever who described symptoms and signs of smallpox and measles based on examination.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Barber Surgeons

    Barber Surgeons
    Barber Surgeons were town barbers, and town surgeons. They often practiced blood letting, dental extractions, and amputations.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Galen's Work

    Galen's Work
    Galen was a physician in the middle ages. He conducted dissections and vivisections on animals- usually apes- and how the learned a lot on how human body works. This helped in the Renaissance age, because his work was published.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Renaissance Hospital's

    Renaissance hospitals housed not only the sick, but the poor, blind,insane,orphans, and travelers.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Wound Remedies

    Doctors usually cauterized wounds by pouring boiling water into them a doctor found that a combination of egg yolk, rose oil, and turpentine worked better.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Jan 1, 1401

    The Black Plague

    During this period cures for the black plague included placing a live hen next to swelling to draw out the pestilence. Also to quicken recovery, the patient was reccomenedto drink glass of their own urine twice a day, to eat theorgans of frogs, shaving a chicken and placing its bottom on the spots caused by the plague,and finally whipping themselves.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Made the important discovery that the heart had two valves, by watching dogs die.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Edward Jenner

    The first doctor to discover a vaccination for smallpox.
  • The Stethescope

    The Stethescope
    The stethoscope was invented by Rene Laennac
  • Medical Microbiology

    A doctor discovered that microorganisms cause fermentation and diseases.
  • X-Rays

    X-Rays were discovered by an experiment that put an electrical current through gas at a very low pressure.
  • Aspirin

    A scientist synthesized heroin and aspirin, to be used as a medicine,
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Willhem Eintoven

    Willhem Eintoven
    Willhem was the inventor of the elctrocardiogram.
  • Heart Lung Machine

    The heart lung machine was created, that was able to temporarily take function of the heart and lungs.
  • Hear Pacemaker

    The first heart pacemaker was created that controlled abnormal heartbeats.
  • Full Body MRI

    The first full body MRI machine was created.
  • Human Genomes

    Doctors discovered genomes and for the first time we could read a complete set of human genetic information and begin to discover what our roughly 23,000 genes do.
  • Bloodletting

    Barber Surgeons were not only the town's barbers, but also their surgeons. The barbers often used bloodletting, dental extractions, and amputations.
  • Renaissance Surgeries

    Surgeries became more used in this era, and surgeries were done for tumors, hernias, and cesarean sections- though not all of them were often succesful.
  • Heart Bypass

    The first bypass heart surgery was performed by a doctor.
  • Egyptian Healing

    Egyptian doctors often used drugs from minerals and herbs that were drunk with wine or beer, or mixed with dough to created a "pill". Egyptian doctors also used ointments for wounds, and the process of inhaling steam to alleviate pain in the chest.