Med 1 Block 2

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299

    Middle Ages

  • Dec 31, 659

    Dental Care

    Medicine from medieval China was to creation of amalgams for dental procedures. The first use of a substance for tooth fillings, which was made up of silver and tin.
  • Dec 31, 754


    The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad in the year 754
  • Dec 31, 825


    Rhazes discovered the difference between measles and smallpox's.
  • Dec 31, 1004

    Ophthalmology and optics

    People used to believe that humans could see things through invisible beams of light that were being emanated from the eyes. t Ibn al-Haytham, came up with a new explanation for vision through his research on optics and the anatomy of the eye.
  • Dec 31, 1201

    Cleaning Wounds

    Cleaning Wounds
    Doctors in the middle ages believed that during surgery some pus should remain in the wounds, thinking that this would aid in its healing. This idea remained widespread until the 13th-century surgeon Theodoric Borgognoni came up with an antiseptic method, where wounds were to be cleaned and then sutured to promote healing. He even had bandages pre-soaked in wine as a form of disinfectant.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Dec 31, 1347

    The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    The Black Plague began in 1347 and ended in 1350. 25 million people were killed.
  • Dec 31, 1356


    They treated syphilis with an unguentum of mercury.
  • Dec 31, 1533

    Ambroise Paré

    Ambroise Paré
    Paré was the inventor of surgical instruments.
  • Dec 31, 1548

    Anto Van Lecuwenhole

    He discovered blood cells
  • Zacharus Anssen

    Anssen invented the microscope
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • René Laënnec

    René Laënnec
    In 1815 René invented the stethoscope, a trumpet-shaped wooden tube, to examine a very fat woman whose heart he could not hear by pressing his ear to her chest.
  • Germs

    Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur establish the germ theory of disease
  • Rabies

    First vaccination development for Rabies
  • Contact Lenses

    First contact lenses development.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • August von Wasserman

    August von Wasserman
    German researcher August von Wasserman introduces diagnostic test for syphilis.
  • Alois Alzheimer

    Alois Alzheimer
    In 1906 Alois Alzheimer discovered dementia. It was later named Alzheimer because of all of the hard work Alois did to find out about this mental illness. Alois figured it out after studying a 51 year old woman for several years.
  • Insulin

    Insulin first used to treat diabetes.
  • Whooping Cough

    First vaccination for whooping cough
  • Yellow Fever

    First vaccination development for yellow fever