med 1 block 2

By raiganm
  • Period: 130 to


  • Period: 170 to

    industrial revolution

  • 460


    birth of hippocrates greek physican and founder of the first university concidered the father of medicine hippocrates bases medicine on objective observation and deductive reasoning, although he does accept the commonly held belief that disease results from an imbalance of your bodily humor
  • 500

    Bian que

    Bian que
    becomes the earliest physician known to use acupuncture and pulse diagnosis
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299

    middle ages

  • Sep 8, 600


    building of xenocheions/ bimarestans by the nestorians under the sasanians would evolve into the complex secular "islamic hospital" which combined lay practice and galenic teaching
  • Sep 8, 820


    benedictine hospital founded, school of salerno would grow around it.
  • Sep 6, 900


    purssian doctor discovered diffrence in small pox and measles
  • Sep 8, 1084

    first documented

    in 1084 the first documented hospital in England canterbury
  • Sep 8, 1095


    congregtion of antonines was founded to treat victims of " st anthonys fire" a skin desease
  • Sep 15, 1242

    ibn an-Nafis

    ibn an-Nafis
    ibn suggest that the right and left ventricles of the heart are separate and discovers the pulmonary circulation and coronary circulation
  • Sep 8, 1260

    les quinze- vingt

    les quinze- vingt
    originally a retreat for the blind, it became a hospital for eye diseases and is now one of the most important medical centers in paris
  • Sep 15, 1288

    santa maria nuova hospital

    the hospital of santa maria nuova founded in florence,it was strictly medical.
  • william harvey

    published his new theory that the heart acts as a muscular pump which circulates blood around the body in the blood vessles. discovering the renaissance laid the foundation for a change in thinking leading to the view the knowledge that we know today
  • anton van leeuwenhoek

    anton van leeuwenhoek
    refines the microscope and fashions nearly 500 models discover blood cells and observes animal and plant tissues and micro organisms.
  • john hunter

    founder of pathological anatomy early advocate of investigation experimentation
  • edward jenner

    edward jenner
    discovered a vaccine for small pox
  • wilhem roentgen

    wilhem roentgen
    discovered x-rays and first nobel prize in physics
  • cholera

    first vaccine for cholera
  • rabies

    first vaccine for rabies
  • Period: to

    modern world

  • human genome project

    human genome project
    the human genome project draft was complete
  • jean michel dubernard

    jean michel dubernard
    performs first partial face transplant
  • hpv

    first hpv vaccine approved
  • human liver

    first human liver was grown from stem cells in japan
  • royal college of physicians of london

    college of physicians founded now known as royal college of physicians of London is a British professional body of doctors of general medicine and its subspecialties.