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Mechanical Engineering Through Time

  • 4000 BCE

    Water Wheel

    Water Wheel
    The water wheel was one of the first instances of humans creating mechanical motion power. For centuries humans used water wheels to grind wheat, moving irrigation water. They became essential in the industrial revolution for free power of the machines that were being invented.
    Water Wheels From Ancient Greece to Today
  • 212 BCE


    Archimedes was one of the first mathematicians on ancient history, an inventor and astronomer. His notable engineering achievements include:
    Law of Lever's
    Center of Gravity
    Law of buoyancy
    Archimedes' Screw
    The 7 Most Important Archimedean Contributions to Science
  • 650


    Persians were the first people to use wind to produce usable work. They can be used in ways similar to the wind mill, but doesn't have to be tied to a river and the wind can be more reliable in some places than the water. They were commonly used to pull water up out of the ground.
    Windmill History
    History of Windmills
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    It used to be painstaking work to copy manuscripts, but the invention of the mechanical printing press opened up a whole new world for the spread of information.
    Printing Press - History
    The Invention and History of the Printing Press
  • Microscope

    While they may have been used before this time, Hans and Zacharias Janssen are the ones that perfected the microscope. This opened up a new world for scientists and eventually for mechanical engineers to develop new materials and understand how they would interact on a molecular level.
    History of Microscopes
    optical microscopes
  • "Two New Sciences" published by Galileo Galilei

    "Two New Sciences" published by Galileo Galilei
    In this paper Galileo put forth the very start of our modern understanding of motion and physics. He discusses the motion of projectiles, acceleration, velocities and friction.
    PDF Translation of Document
  • Sir Isaac Newton invents the reflecting telescope

    Sir Isaac Newton invents the reflecting telescope
    The improved telescope allowed people to see even more wonders in the night sky, far more than could be observed with the naked eye. Our fascination with space grew, and eventually instead of just looking though our telescopes, engineers went to work and put people up there.
    NASA- Telescope History
  • Hooke's Law

    Hooke's Law
    Hook's Law states that for a perfect spring the force is equal to a spring constant times the displacement (F=k*x). Scientists discovered that many things can be treated as a spring to approximate it's flex and predict the behavior of complex objects with simple math. From electricity to thermal flow it has been found to have application all over engineering
    Hooke’s law | Civil Engineering
  • Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, (The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) published by Sir Isaac Newton

    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, (The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) published by Sir Isaac Newton
    This was the first paper published where Newton put forth his famous 3 laws of motion. These 3 laws are the very basis of engineering today, but most especially for mechanical engineers. This unlocked a fundamental understanding of how the world worked. Even though "Modern Physics" (Relativity and Quantum Mechanics) shows these laws don't apply at high velocities/gravities or extremely small scale, Newton's laws still work for our needs 99% of the time.
    PDF of the Paper
  • Invention of Steam Engine

    Invention of Steam Engine
    The first steam engine used for work was invented in England by Thomas Savery. They were used to create rotary power and the industrial revolution found many uses, from pumping water from mine shafts, to creating forward motion on trains and powering the machinery in many factories
    The Origin and Lasting Effect of The Transportation Revolution
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • First Internal Combustion Engine

    First Internal Combustion Engine
    A modern engineering marvel, using Newton's Laws of motion to determine forces, energy balance equations, heat transfer and entropy to calculate work. The internal combustion engine is so commonplace today but truly changed the world.
    Internal Combustion Engine
  • Formal Recognition of Occupation

    Formal Recognition of Occupation
    In the midst of the Industrial Revolution the Institution of Mechanical Engineers was founded, making M.E. an officially recognized occupation.
    Purdue- History of M.E.
    Mechanical Engineering - Britannica
  • First Hydroelectric Power

    First Hydroelectric Power
    In 1878, the world's first hydroelectric power scheme was developed at Cragside in Northumberland, England by William Armstrong. Hydroelectric power is a great renewable energy source and as climate change becomes a bigger problem, the need for renewable energy becomes more important for engineers to understand and implement.
    The Origins of Hydroelectric Power
  • Roller Coaster

    Roller Coaster
    While maybe not the most important invention, roller coasters are powerful examples of the capabilities of Mechanical engineering. Understanding all the forces and motion to be able to complete complex loops, sharp turns and everything else while keeping the passengers safe is incredible.
    Amusement Park and Roller Coaster Engineering
  • Electricity generated from wind power

    Electricity generated from wind power
    The first windmill ever used to generate electricity (wind turbine) was in 1887 in Cleveland, Ohio, designed by inventor and electrician Charles F. Brush.
    Wind Turbine History
  • Wright brothers first flight

    Wright brothers first flight
    The first powered flight showed the level of engineering people are capable of. It was said to be impossible, but aerodynamics is now a core part of Mechanical Engineering.
    The First Flight
    Wright Brothers' Invention Process
  • First Atomic Bomb Used

    First Atomic Bomb Used
    Here I'll also highlight the famous mind of Albert Einstein as he was big part of the Manhattan Project. This project harnessed the budding sciences to bring a level of destruction never before possible. Many of the other invention have brought great good to the world, and while the atomic bomb may have been necessary it shows the destructive force it is capable of as well.
    The Manhattan Project | Atomic Heritage Foundation
  • First CNC Machine

    First CNC Machine
    Invented by Parsons Corp. this automated machining process allows parts to be made by computer accuracy to control planar motion and rotations to produce parts more complex and faster than by human hand.
    The History of Computer Numerical Control
  • Invention of Solar Energy

    Invention of Solar Energy
    The first instance of a solar technology that could actually power an electric device for several hours of a day was in 1954. The technology has drastically advanced since then, but still has a long way to go.
    History of Solar Energy
  • Invention of CAD

    Invention of CAD
    The first Computer Aided Design software, Sketchpad, was published in 1963 by Ivan Sutherland as part of his PhD thesis. Sketchpad is often considered the most influential computer program in history.
    The history of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
  • First 3D Printer

    First 3D Printer
    3D printing is becoming an essential technology for any product development. The advantages of rapid prototyping are too many to count, and even commercial products are starting to be developed using the technology.
    ASME 3D Printing Infographic
    How are 3D Printers Impacting The Field of Engineering?
  • Internet

    The internet has allowed for collaboration and sharing of information to an unprecedented degree. This has shaped the entire world, but engineering as well. It is not uncommon to be on a project with engineers from around the world.
    HISTORY - The Invention of The Internet
    Engineering and the digital age