
The Actions Taken Towards Meat packing

  • Upton Sinclair spends his 7 weeks at the slaughter house

    Upton Sinclair spends his 7 weeks at the slaughter house
    Upton Sinclair spent 7 weeks in a slaughterhouse in order to collect the information for his book The Jungle. There he was exposed to how pigs and cows became steak, sausage and other forms of meat. He used the information he learned at the factories to write a story of a poor immigrant stuck in poverty by the business owners.
  • Upton Sinclair writes The Jungle

    Upton Sinclair writes The Jungle
    This book brought the attention of higher government officials which then led to the very much needed action. After president Teddy Roosevelt read the The Jungle he ordered an investigation of the meat packing industry. After President Roosevelt's investigators confirmed Sinclair's claim that the conditions of the meatpacking industry were as bad as he stated congress passed the Meat Inspection Act 1906.
  • Congress passes Pure food and drug act

    Congress passes Pure food and drug act
    The pure food and drug act prevented the making, selling, and transportation of tarnished, misbranded, poisonous and dirty foods drugs medicines and liquors. It Also made workers advertise their foods truthfully. (No more chemically processed foods.)
  • Congress passes the meat inspection act

    Congress passes the meat inspection act
    The Meat Inspecton Act worked to prevent tarnished, unclean and unsafe meat from being sold to people as food. Under this act all meat had to be slaughtered and the whole process had to be done under sanitary and safe conditions. This act alone had a large impact on the meat packing industry and the factories, considering the fact that the factories weren't safe and clean to begin with
  • Triangle shirtwaist factory fire

    Triangle shirtwaist factory fire
    After the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, health and safety became important goal nation wide. Government officials and industry leaders were actually willing to accept th economic cost of making all factories safe and healthy unlike before. This factory fire made many people realize the conditions and dangers of the factories at this time. In addition New York State passes 20 laws for factory safety and public awareness.