
By tant4
  • First Appearance of Measles

    The first recorded appearance of Measles was in Boston, MA in 1657.
  • MMR Vaccine Introduced

    Merck's MMR vaccine is declared safe and capable of preventing measles, mumps, and rubella.
  • National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

    The law preserved the right for vaccine injured persons to bring a lawsuit in the court system if federal compensation is denied or is not sufficient. [1]
  • Period: to

    Measles Outbreaks

    Measles re-surges in the U.S. with over 53,000 cases across the nation, revealing low vaccination rates.
  • Wakefield vs. MMR

    Andrew Wakefield suggests that the MMR vaccine correlates with an increased risk for autism and other disorders
  • Jerry Brown signs SB 277

    SB 277 removes many of the existing exemptions for school children to be excused from being vaccinated.